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What Jisoo just saw had her heart broken into a million pieces, her beloved boyfriend and best friend whom she thought will never cheat on her, just did it infront of her.
Bobby was kissing Nayeon, her best friend.
"What... you..." Jisoo's words trembled and shook terribly.
She ran out of the house as fast as her legs could carry her. It was Bobby's birthday she had wanted to surprise him however she had surprised herself instead. She ran without looking back little did she realised she had knocked into Jinyoung.
"Ouch. Watch where you are —" Jinyoung said but realised it was Jisoo.
"Jisoo... Are you okay?" Jinyoung asked sincerely.
Jisoo started crying aloud and pulled Jinyoung in for a hug, she had never felt so good hugging someone. Jinyoung and Jisoo were childhood sweethearts but however drifted overtime, hugging him now just brings back her sweet memories with him.
"Are you okay? You can tell me anything." Jinyoung asked for the second time.
Jisoo tried to get her breathing properly and tried to talk.
"I... I saw Bobby cheating on me for Nayeon. I walked into the room and... and saw them kiss." Jisoo broke down yet again.
Jinyoung hugged her tightly and ensured her everything is going to be okay.
"I really don't know what to do. I thought Nayeon would never do this even though I know Bobby would do this some day but never did I expect the person was to be my best friend. I really don't know." She sobbed her heart out.
"It's really going to be okay. I was once cheated by Nayeon too. I mean look at me now, aren't I fun and good now?" Jinyoung smiled brightly which kind of warmed Jisoo's heart.
"Really? You have never told me about this." Jisoo asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Why would I tell you that I was getting cheated on? It is embarrassing isn't it? Remember during our first year in high school and during the holidays I refused to meet you? That was because she cheated on me right before the holidays and I could not get it over and I did not want to even tell you anything." Jinyoung explained himself.
Jisoo just stared at him blankly and blinked.
"I think I should not feel so sad, I mean he's a playboy anyway. Thanks Jinyoung, you really did cheer me up. That meant a lot to me." Jisoo finally smiled.
"What are friends for right? Do you wanna take a walk around before heading home?" Jinyoung suggested.
Jisoo nodded. She had realised her phone had 30 missed calls, 20 from Bobby, 10 from Nayeon. Several texts as well. Jinyoung saw it at a glance and took her phone away.
"Ignore them, they are not worth your time, I think I deserve more attention than them." Jinyoung looked sternly in a playful manner.
"How charming and sweet." was what Jisoo thought.
"I just realised why didn't I fall for you in the past, you are so much better than that douchebag. I must have been blind." Jisoo said while licking her ice cream.
"I must have been blind to fall for Nayeon when you were by my side all along." Jinyoung replied nervously.
"We were young and blinded by something we foolishly called love but it wasn't even love. We did not even understand what is love." Jisoo said.
"We sure was. What about now?" Jinyoung asked.
"Now? Love is just looking at the person you love the most and whatever the person does you will even feel happy about it even if it means the person dates another person. I feel so confused by love. Why is it so hard to have someone who loves me for who I am and be truthful and faithful? Am I that bad and dense for someone to cheat on me?" Jisoo sighed.
"What if I say the person that loves you all along is me?" Jinyoung mumbled.
Jisoo looked up to Jinyoung in shock unable to apprehend what had happened, giving a shock look Jinyoung explained.
"I remember what you had done for me in the past, of course I know you didn't like me since you were constantly talking about Bobby in the past. I knew that so I did not confess. I tried very hard to forget you so I made excuses in the end we drifted, I was very sad but what could I do? I dated Nayeon because I wanted to forget you. Soon, she found out and cheated on me. I had a mental break down but recovered from it, since then I could not even forget you at all." Jinyoung revealed.
"I'm sorry I did not know. I was your best friend back then, how could I? I remember when we first met in elementary school I already knew I liked you but when we moved on to middle school there was rumours of you and Nayeon, I did not want to question you I was in no place to do so. After a few years, Bobby said he liked him and I kind of liked him as well then there we dated until today." She laughed.
"So do you like me now?" Jinyoung asked boldly.
"I do but I just broke up, I guess." Jisoo replied.
"I know. I will give you time, if you do not then it's okay." Jinyoung stammered.
"No, it's okay. I like you and I know I am sure of it. I think why I cried just now was not because I loved him wholeheartedly but because my best friend was the person he cheated on me with. Actually I already knew he cheated on me before but I just kept quiet and because I was slowly losing my love for him but I did not want to initiate it because he was like my best friend too. Every time I saw you and Nayeon in the past, it makes me feel so sad so I ran away from you. But now I wouldn't need to. For you are mine, my everything." She said calmly and kissed Jinyoung lips.
Together, they held their clammy hands over each other and walked home.

Author's note:
Request box are open! Do request and I will try my best to write it ❤️

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