3. Food Truck

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"Yo jiminie, me and Jin hyung are going to a festival, want to come with?" Yoongi says over the phone as he continues clicking with his mouse. He hangs up minutes later and disturbs Seokjin's peace and quiet.

"Hyung, jimin said he'd come"

"Festival? Sure, he loves food right"

"It better be good, I starved the whole day for this" Yoongi rubbed his stomach as it groaned, wanting to be filled.

"It will be good, there's going to be TONS of food trucks, it'll be great" Seokjin grinned before checking the time. "Come on, we'll be late"

He grabs his keys and his Yoongi and heads to the next room to pick up his jimin.

"Jimin~ were going, come on" Seokjin knocked on the door and five seconds later jimin came out ready and dressed.

"All right lets go!" He chirped before pushing his hyungs away from his door and to Seokjin's car.

Seokjin turned on the radio as they hopped in the car. Yoongi was on shotgun while jimin poked his head from the back. Yoongi's duet song with hoseok came on and Yoongi sang his heart out, screaming and yelling , not caring if his voice cracked or if it was out of tune. Seokjin tried to join him as well but would just end up laughing with jimin who was dying in the back.


The one at the back and the one driving starts dying as Yoongi's cracking voice filled the air. They almost got into an accident because Seokjin couldn't see from the tears forming in his eyes.

"Y'all I don't do this unless I'm with hoseok so be thankful I'm in a good mood"

"Good show, standing ovation"

Jimin just kept swinging back and forth in the back with his squeaky laugh and he didn't stop until the car stopped. The car didn't stop because they were at their destination but because there was TRAFFIC.

They all groaned as they saw the big line of cars.

"Mood ruined"

When they finally got to the venue
they were exhausted and not really sure if there'd be any food left at a food festival. They even had enough time for jimin to do a whole Insta live in the car (which three people watched, which was most probably Yeojoon jungkook and Taehyung)

They got out the car with wobbly legs and the three of them started stretching their limp limbs. Seokjin's eyes instantly spots one food truck, the food truck that made him want to even come to this festival in the first place.

"You guys look! It's the.... RAMEN TACO!"

Seokjin starts running towards the truck before he was stopped by a line. A line that was probably a kilometre long.


"Noo I don't want to wait this long"

"Lets go to the pizza truck-"

"No my friends" Seokjin cuts Yoongi off by holding his lips shut. Yoongi glares at Seokjin and he takes his hand off quickly, afraid Yoongi would bite him. "We do not settle for anything less than perfection when it comes to food, we only eat the best. Come I have a plan, anyone got a note?"

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