4. Fair

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"Namjoon look! A fair!" Yeojoon jumps up and down as she points at the carnival.

"Wanna go?"

"Yes yes!!" Namjoon smiles at his little sister's cuteness before taking her hand and walking inside. She gasps as she looks around at each of the stalls and games. 

"Lets go to that one, no that one!! Wait look at that one!" Yeojoon almost pulls namjoons arms off as she drags him around to each of the stalls.

They play almost all the games and namjoons almost out of change. He was carrying about ten plushies that he had won for her but she wants more.

"Fishy!" Oh no, Namjoon is absolutely horrible at this game.

Yeojoon pulls down Namjoon on his knees so he can catch the gold fishes with paper. Every time he tried to go for one the the paper would tear. He groans but his sister kept whining that she wanted the fish.

Sister status: cute -> Sister status: annoying

Namjoon rolls up his sleeves and focuses on getting that fish. He screams as he goes for it and successfully manages to get one! Him and his sister start jumping around in circles as the guy placed the fish in a plastic bag.

Yeojoon skipped around the fair happily holding her new goldfish which she named Seokjin oppa.

"You're not as beautiful as him but you'll do"

Namjoon chuckles as he watches her talk to her new pet. Suddenly his eyes land on the very last stall towards the end.

"Come play ball toss. You just toss the ball, it's easy. E-even your fish can do it" the guy awkwardly promotes his game.

Someone walks past the stall and starts crying. "Did something happen to your fish? I'm sorry" he lowers his head on the table as no costumer approaches him.

"What a loser" Namjoon mutters under his breath.

"Did you say fish? I have a fish. His name is Seokjin oppa"

"Yeojoon no!" Namjoon tried to pull back his sister but it was too late.

"O-oh is that so, hello Seokjin oppa hAhA" namjoon's hand smacked his forehead as the awkwardness brought him physical pain.

"Would you like to play?" He smiles uncomfortably and Yeojoon shuffles backwards towards Namjoon.

"No it's oka-"

"IS THAT A RYAN?!?" Yeojoon shouts while pointing towards the prizes hanging from the top. "Namjoon! Namjoon I want to play!!" She starts jumping up and down again and he groans.

Namjoon hands her $2 and she gets the three balls excitedly. Her first attempt was too weak and it didn't even reach. Her second attempt she missed to the side and her last attempt, her arm almost came out of its socket as she swung it so hard.

Yeojoon frowns before screeching. "Hold my fish Namjoon" she stretches her arm and tries to hand Namjoon her fish but he just helps her down the little stand that helped her see the bottles. 

"Yeojoon, sweetie let me try" Namjoon places $2 on the table and the guy gives him another 3 balls.

His three attempt wasn't so bad but a couple of them missed. Namjoon curses under his breath before trying again, and again, and again.

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