Easter Special

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"EASTER MY FAVOURITE TIME OF THE YEAR!" Taehyung squealed and ran around the building knocking on everyone's doors. "COME ON! LETS GO EGG HUNTING!!!"

He smashed open the old people's rooms and was about to jump on Yoongi's bed before hesitating and jumping on Seokjin's instead.

"COME ON COME ON WAKE UPPP THE EGGS ARE ALREADY SPREAD THROUGHOUT THE DORMS LETS STARTTT" Taehyung whined in Seokjin's ears. He groaned and rolled over annoyed.

The five stood in the hall in their pyjamas barely awake as the meme team stood in front of them excitedly.

"Okay the chocolate eggs have been distributed everywhere in the building, you may start looking in three..."

Yeojoon jumped and slapped her face trying to wake up. Last year the three did the same dirty trick and woke them up at an ungodly hour so everyone is still slow and asleep therefore jungkook and Taehyung could easily take all the eggs without effort.


Everyone started warming up except for Yoongi who's curled up on the floor.

"One! Go!" Everyone ran past Jimin and went inside the dorms pushing each other violently out the way.

The group already knew Jimin was the one who hid the eggs but for Taehyung's innocent mind he participated anyways and told him it was the Easter bunny.

Within just 5 minutes the seven had already collected and found all the eggs (excluding Yoongi who's still sleeping on the floor).

"Alright everyone found them? Make sure to get all of them, we don't want rats again" Jimin shook his head as he was reminded of the year where everyone forgot a couple of chocolate eggs in the corner and it attracted a colony of rats after a year. They were fined heavily for it.

The kids, even the old ones, all held up their pillow bags which were filled with heavy chocolate delights. Although the age differences in the group were quite large, they all got equally hyped for the holidays. The eight dispersed back into their rooms and prepared to head out for lunch together.

Seokjin pulled Yoongi back inside their dorm and shared some chocolates with him since he didn't want as much chocolates but only collected them because he wanted to piss jungkook off.

Suddenly a blood curdling scream shook the whole building making everyone exit their dorms.

"What the hell happened?"

Everyone entered the meme team's room where they found Taehyung holding an egg and a wet spill around his private area.

"You pissed you pants?" Hoseok tried to hold in his laugh before they all took a closer look.

"It's a.....real egg?"

Jimin's eyes widened before running to his bed and fetching his pillow case.

"Oh no!!!" He screamed un peeling all of his chocolates. They were grapes.

The ones in the capsules contained vegetables and bugs while the eggs were all real, raw eggs.

"What the hell jimin?"

"EASTER IS RUINED!" Taehyung wailed.

"I didn't do this! I got them from the supermarkets!"

Thankfully Taehyung was crying so loud he didn't hear what Jimin had said.

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