5. The Trip

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"Is everyone packed?"

"It's been a while since we've gone on a trip"

"And were all going together so that's a first"

The group laughed as conversation was thrown across the eight.

"What flight we taking?" Jimin asks the eldest expecting him to know. He shrugs making jimin roll his eyes.

"This one" Namjoon cuts in and shows jimin their tickets. The rest of the group is just walking aimlessly through the airport not having a care in the world.

"You guys wanna get some food first? It's pretty early" jimin asks the rest while reading the ticket.

"Yes! Panda Express!!" Taehyung shouts while jumping up and down. The rest nods in agreement before walking away to the shop.

The rowdy group sits down on the biggest table available and their orders were passed around to Seokjin who's the oldest therefor he orders. They play around on their phones as they wait for their food while some others worry about the trip.

"What if we miss our flight? What if our planet crashes? What if we take the wrong flight and end up on some abandoned country??"

"Namjoon calm your tits. We'll be fine. The worst that can happen is that one of us will get lost" Yeojoon attempts to calm down her stressing brother as she plays piano tiles on her phone.

"Actually that's not so bad. It wouldn't harm us to loose just one person" jimin slaps jungkook who's blurted out his thoughts once again.

Finally their order arrives and Hoseok screams seeing all the chicken. They all eat happily together and the plates were cleared in less than five minutes. The guys start groaning and rubbing their stomachs but not Yeojoon. She continues to eat the leftover chickens that the others are too full to have.

"You gonna finish that" she points over to yoongis plate and he pushes the plate towards her.

They all stare at her in awe as they watch her gobble down the last of the food.

"Waah how do you even eat that much" jungkook asks as they start heading out. Yeojoon just shrugs, stealing Yoongi's signature smirk.

"Y'all are lightweight" she slaps her stomach proudly and Namjoon slaps it as well making her yelp in pain. She starts chasing him and he runs desperately for his life.

"Alright well anyways where are we going?"

"Don't really know, lets just follow the crowd" Seokjin shrugs as jimin rolls his eyes.

"Security check. Place your metal belongings in the the tubs and bags on the belt" the security pushes the eight into a line as they all diligently follow the security's orders.

They all moved stiffly into the detector even though they knew they did nothing wrong.

Once they made it past it was time to check their bags in. They lined up with the rest of the crowd as a dog came around sniffing everyone. Yeojoon smiles widely seeing the cute beagle dog. When she looks up next to her she sees Taehyung with the most uncomfortable face as the dog walked closer to him.

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