feels •shawn mendes• ch. 10

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*back to Aubrey's pov*

We're putting our clothes on when I hear a noise. A female voice, coming through the front door.

"Shit, that's my mum! I swear she wasn't going to be home yet." Shawn frantically pulls on his shirt and buttons his jeans.

I throw on my shorts and tank top and we both run to the mirror to fix our hair and clothes.

My face is bright red and Shawns cheeks are rosy. I quickly put my hands up and run my fingers through his hair so it doesn't look as messy.

"Thanks, hun." Shawn says, spinning me around and smoothing out my ponytail with his hands.

We hear his mom call, "shawn?" And we look at each other nervously.

He kisses my lips once and says, "I'll handle it."

It's crazy how different he is when we're alone.

We walk downstairs with me behind him.

As we walk in the kitchen I see an average height blondish brunette woman putting away groceries.

"Oh, shawn,—oh. Hello, I wasn't aware he had someone over." She says kindly with a hint of a British accent.

"Hi mum. This is my friend Aubrey." Shawn says, as I shake his mothers hand.

"I'm karen, nice to meet you Aubrey." She smiles at me.

I breathe out a sigh of relief as shawn says,

"Well, I have to take her home soon but I'll be home later."

Shawn and I wave goodbye and walk out to his car.

"Wanna go get food?" Shawn asks as we climb in his Jeep.

"What if people see us?" I reply nervously, and shawn smiles at me in a way that makes me feel safe.

"Then let's go somewhere outside of town. I know a great place in the outskirts of Toronto where we can go." He says.

I nod my head and shawn turns up the radio.

"I love this song." He and I say in unison as 'same drugs' starts to play.

"We dont do the same drugs no more. We don't do the, we don't do the same drugs..." shawn sings softly, and it's almost like he forgot that I was here.

I smile at him as he continues driving while singing softly.

As we stop at a stoplight, I say quietly, "you know, you should post covers."

To my surprise, he says, "I did once. On YouTube. Didn't tell my friends about it or anything."

I'm shocked.

"How many views did it get?" I ask, and he shrugs.

"Couple hundred thousand."

My mouth drops open, and I slap his shoulder.

"Shawn! That's amazing! Why did you stop?"

"Life gets in the way sometimes. It's our junior year, i had to focus on school." He explains.

"You still have to sing and play the guitar for me sometime." I tell him, and he drives along as the light turns green.

"You still haven't earned it yet, hun." Shawn says slowly, and I shiver.

"What do I have to do to earn it?" I ask him.

"Show me you deserve it." He turns and looks at me, then back at the road.

FEELS •shawn mendes•Where stories live. Discover now