feels •shawn mendes• ch. 16

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"Did you hear about Charlie? What happened to Piper?" I ask hurriedly.

"Christine is at the hospital with him." My dad says. Christine is his ex wife.

"What happened to Piper??" I ask again, and my parents exchange looks.

"She's missing. She disappeared a couple hours ago..." my mom says slowly. "We weren't sure if you or Tatum had talked to her last."

"She and i aren't on the best terms right now..." I tell them, "ask Tatum's mom."

I pull out my phone and try to talk to Tatum.

"Haven't talked to her since this morning." Tatum says when I call her. "She did say she was going to meet some guy."

I sigh in relief. "Okay, she's probably fine."

I hang up the phone and right after, I get a text from shawn.

SHAWN: everything okay?

YOU: they thought Piper was missing, but Tatum said she just went to meet a guy. That's why she's not answering her phone...

SHAWN: better tell your mom that. also, can you meet me at the place I took you that one time? The place down the path? In half an hour? I have a surprise for you.

YOU: of course ❤️

I get up from my bed and walk downstairs.

Pipers parents are sitting in the living room.

"Aubrey!" Her mom looks distressed, "do you have any idea where Piper is?"

"I don't know exactly, but I know that she went out with a guy today...Tatum told me. That's why she won't answer her phone..." i say hesitantly.

Both her parents sigh in relief.

"Anyways, i have to leave. I'm so sorry I can't stay." I rush the words out.

"Where are you going?" My mom asks, and I turn to face her quickly.

I can't say it out loud, pipers mom might tell her.

"Oh, uh, just out, you know? I'll be back in a couple hours." I dodge the question as best I can.


As I pull into a parking space, I hear music coming from down the path. And then I hear a voice singing. Immediately I know it's shawn.

I walk down the trail and plop down beside him.

"Shit! Aubrey, you scared me." He laughs a little, pulling me into his lap.

We sit there for a little just looking at the trees.

"What happened with Piper? Do her parents know?" Shawn asks me, and I nod.

"They know. They seemed okay with it, I guess. They weren't exactly thrilled when I said she was with a guy. Then again, I don't think it surprised them at all." I shrug my shoulders.

Suddenly my phone pings with a text message.

TATUM: i know you don't like him, but do you know anything about where Danny might be? Maybe you heard something from someone? He's declining my calls.

YOU: when's the last time you talked to him?

TATUM: when he said he had plans for today. That was like this morning or something, idk.

YOU: did he say what they were?

TATUM: no, i asked but he dodged the question. I'm worried he's hiding something from me...

My heart sinks.

Both Danny and Piper aren't answering their phones and left to do things today?

Would Piper do that to Tatum? Yes...

YOU: i know someone who could try and call him, but it'll have to wait a little. That okay?

TATUM: Yeah. Thanks bb!

"Everything good?" Shawn asks me.

I shake my head.

"I think that Danny might be cheating on Tatum with Piper. He won't answer Tatum's calls or tell her where he was going today. Do you think you could ask him about it later?" I ask him desperately.

"Sure." Shawn says, and we fall silent.

Finally I ask, "what's the surprise?".

Shawn looks a little nervous.

"I wrote a song for you. Or I guess, about you." He says quickly.

"Shawn, oh my god! You really did that for me?" My eyes tear up a little bit.

"Love, you might not even like it..." he says softly.

"What's it called?" I squeeze his hand.

"First, sit over across from me so I can play the guitar. Second, it's called Strings..." he breathes out a nervous sigh.

"Play it, please!!" I say excitedly.


"Cause I need...all the strings attached, love it when you look at me like that, and you're the only girl that brings me back, cause baby I want all the strings attached. It's like always and forever, I won't let a moment pass, and when I'm with you I feel better, I want all the strings...I want all the strings attached...all the strings attached...all the strings attached...girl." he sings, closing his eyes.

The song finishes, and I have tears in my eyes.

"I can't believe you wrote a song for me." I say, hugging him tight.

"Just wait, that's not the only part of the surprise." Shawn says, and I look up at him.

"What do you mean.." I ask him, and he smiles.

"A record company contacted me and wants me to record it. Plus i finally told the guys that I sing, and that I have a record deal." He grabs my face in his hands and smiles down at me.

Our lips meet and he kisses me softly once.

"I'm so proud of you." I tell him.

He blushes.

For the next hour we sit there talking and joking around.

"You know, you're totally different than I first thought." I admit.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I used to never want to talk to you..." I say, laughing.

"What did you think I was like?" He asks, smirking.

"Self centered, snobby, basically just like the rest of your friends." I explain, and he nods modestly.

"I was like that. I was trying to fit in and be one of them; I didn't want anyone to know that I like to sing." He says, "but I'm different around you. I feel like I can be myself."

"Hey shawn?" I ask him.

"Yes, Aubrey?" He looks at me, his eyes crinkling at the corners,

"When did you realize you wanted us to be more than friends?" I ask.

FEELS •shawn mendes•Where stories live. Discover now