feels •shawn mendes• ch. 15

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"Sounds great..." i tell Tatum quickly, and then I run off to class.

I text shawn on and off all day, and I don't feel like sitting with my friends at lunch.

Im sitting outside at a table where no one can see me when I feel someone sit down next to me.

Shawn puts his arm around me and kisses my cheek.

"Hey, hun."

"Hi." I tell him, smiling.

"Are you free after school?" He asks, and I nod.

"What do you have planned?"

"I don't know yet, I just wanna spend time with you." He smiles at me and I press my lips together to keep from smiling too big.

"Would you..." I hesitate, "would you want to come over to my house? It might be a little hectic, I don't know which of my siblings will be home, but I want to formally introduce you to my parents."

Shawn looks at me with his mouth wide open.

"Meet your parents, already?" He says.

"Well I already met your family, so I just thought that maybe you could meet mine." I tell him, my voice shaking a little. "You don't have to if you don't want, I mean, it's just a suggestion..."

Shawn cracks a smile and squeezes my hand.

"I'm kidding, of course I'll meet them. If they're anything like you, though, I'll probably be intimidated." He admits, and we both laugh.

As we sit there in silence, shawns arms wrapped around me, I realize I feel happier than I have in a long time.

"Shawn?" I say timidly, and he looks down at me as well as he can from the position we're sitting in.

"Yeah?" He asks, and I almost can't bear to tell him how I feel.

"Do you really feel the same way I do?" I blurt out, and I can feel him tense up a bit.

"Well, that depends. How do you feel about me, and us?" He asks, and i fall silent.

"I don't know how to put it into words." I rush, and he squeezes my arm.

"Just try."

"I don't know, you just make me so happy. And I know at first I swore to myself that I would never ever talk to you, but you've completely changed my mind. You're not the way that people portray who you are. I think it's amazing how you sing, and how caring you actually are. When I'm around you I just feel something. I don't know how to even explain something like how I feel, except how my french teacher explained it once. This is a little off topic, but we were learning the equivalent of what in English would be something about someone that just makes you attracted to them. And she said the french equivalent was je ne sais quoi. And I guess that's how I feel about you." I talk as fast as possible, and shawn laughs.

"Aubrey," He says, hugging me tight.

"Yeah?" I ask hopefully.

"I feel exactly the same way you do."

The bell rings and he kisses me once before disappearing off to class.

...the last bell rings, and I wait til most of the students have left the parking lot before I walk to shawns car.

He smiles at me as I get in.

"Should I introduce myself as your boyfriend or as a friend?" He asks me.

"For now, lets just say friend." I say quietly, then I feel bad. "You know id love to just admit you're my boyfriend, but all my friends moms are friends with my mom and I don't want to risk them finding out."

FEELS •shawn mendes•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora