Hopeless Mystery

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"Rosie, I think we need to go." Kacen's eyes turned a bright yellow.

"Oh my gosh... Taylor! Help her!"

Rosie hugged the Queen tightly.

"It has never gotten this bad... We should have warned you..."

She shook her head.

"I didn't need to be warned. But, you two aren't evil are you?"

Rosie shook her head doubtfully and looked over at Kacen.

Kacen ran out of the castle. Her hands sparked up when they touched. The black reached her elbows, and finally stopped rising. Griff ran out of the stable towards her. The eyes on the horse turned a brownish red. Kacen had started freaking out. She clapped her hands together and stormed up a tall whirling storm of fire.


Rosie stood up and looked out the door. The Queen began to shake.

"Mrs. Gaga I'm sorry... She can't control it yet... I've never done that though..."

She nodded and said,

"She was born that way... She can't help it..."

Kacen screamed and hopped onto Griff.

"We have to leave... They know now." Griff galloped into the woods. The horse turned a deep black with red eyes. Kacens arms and legs grew longer and limber.

"AHH!! I've been waiting to express my true blood!" Kacen laughed and Griff ran faster.


"I don't want to go back home... I have always worried this would happen. Why now?"

The Queen stood up and held Rosie tightly.

"You aren't going back home. I will keep you safe."

Rosie began to cry.

"What about Kacen? She will kill all of us!"

The Queen began to feel worried more than ever.

Kacen stopped to a giant tree. She held up her hands up to the tree and morphed it into a cave. The tree was now hollow with a hole through the bottom. She walked in and looked around.

"Should be good for now, let's make something interesting happen why don't we?" She gave a laugh.

Back at the castle, Rosie and the Queen decided to prepare for the party anyways. They already made sure they had reinforcements, so there wasn't much to worry about. They made tea, Panna Cotta, Spaghetti, and many other foods that they enjoyed.

After it was all cooked, they brought the food outside and heard a loud clap of thunder.

Kacen sat in the tree looking below at where the little garden party was.

"Watch this." She laughed and clapped her hands. A bolt of lightning reached down onto the table in the middle. The spaghetti splattered all over the guests faces. She laughed and almost fell out of the tree laughing. The horse stood there staring oddly up at her.

"Come on you know that's funny." Kacen chuckled and looked down at Griff.

"UGH!" The Queen stood up and brushed herself off.


She grabbed the tea, which didn't get ruined, and put her hand over the top.


She waved her hand towards all of them and began to stomp inside.

Rosie ran the other direction and looked out at the trees.

Griff changed to his original form to try to trick one of the people.

"Ahh nice thinking." Kacen smiled at Griff as he walked toward the castle. He shrunk into a brown dog. It walked toward the spaghetti where it was splattered and started licking it.

"Wow, nevermind." Kacen laughed and rolled her eyes.

Rosie heard a small bark and she turned around to see a small dog.

"Hey there... Where did you come from?!"

The Queen walked outside and was in a new change of clothes, a black dress with her hair pulled up in a ponytail.

"Rosie let's go."

Rosie shook her head.

"Did Brandon lose Stella?"

"Now... Let's see what happens." Kacen focused on Griff. He slowly was turning into a black wolf. Rosie turned his back to him, just for him to attack.

"How about a ring of fire." Kacen swirled her finger in a circle around the Queen and Rosie. Fire rose up all round them. Then griff jumped in the fire.

The Queen screamed, pulling Rosie close.


The Queen closed her eyes tightly, hoping nothing would get any worse.

"Hopeful are you?" Kacen laughed and zoomed shut the fire down. But rain started pouring down along with lightning all around. Griff ran back and climbed up to the tree with Kacen. Where ever they ran lightning struck the ground. Kacen thundered with laughter.

"Ah might as well give you a break now. But this will not be this last." Kacen remarked. She climbed down the tree and disappeared into the mist of the woods.

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