New Beginnings

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Kacen looked at the cottage. It was burnt in the front, and the whole yard and field around it was burnt with it. A horse stood at the entrance of the barn startled.
"Shh shh." She walked toward the horse. It was a beautiful brown and white stallion. Kacen combed his mane and hopped on.
"I'll call you Agon." She smiled and patted his back. They rode off toward the castle.
"I can't wait to get back. I... We never had a decent meal..."
Gaga nodded.
"Maybe we can actually eat this time. I wish that Kacen wouldn't have ruined the spaghetti."
Gaga pouted and frowned playfully.
"Me either."

Kacen arrived at the forest on the edge of the castle. It was still as ugly when she had left it. So she sprouted flowers in the garden and where the plants had been destroyed. The crops were now at full harvest and were ready too be picked. The grass flourished a bright green and the castle looked lovely again.
"That should do it." She smiled and galloped back to the cottage with Agon.
Gaga noticed that the air became light and airy again. She looked around and saw that there wasn't as much damage to the crops and flowers.
"She did it Rosie. She learned that what she did was wrong..."
Rosie smiled and looked out in to the forest. They approached the castle and dismounted the horse.
"Well this is nice." Kacen laughed and took a sip of tea with Agon in front of her eating oats on the table. She laughed and crossed her legs.
"More?" Agon walked off into the barn leaving Kacen with a messy table with spilled tea.
"I better get some shut eye anyways." She walked into the cottage. It wasn't burned now because she fixed it all already. The garden was flowing with fruits and vegetables. All she needed to worry about was if another Griff showed up...

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