Broken Heart Up In Flames

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"I hear..." Kacen said, Griff had seemed startled. She mounted griff and put the carrots in her saddle bags. They both ran out of the forest quickly. As they ran the thundering had gotten louder to Kacen. But Griff hadn't seemed bothered. Kacen grabbed her ears and yelled. She almost managed to slip off but grabbed the reins just in time. Griff stopped and she sat in the saddle crying. She was laying on top of him and crying into his dark, black, shiny mane.

"What have I done?" She whimpered sitting there.

The Queen, Rosie, and the people of the castle all rode out into the town to warn the villagers.

The knights went door to door informing families of Kacen's evil doing, and telling them to meet in the middle of the town.

After everyone was gathered around the Queen, she announced,

"We have to keep safe around this one. We might go under another spell if we aren't careful. Keep the children and elders safe. Thank you, and remember to stay aware."

Kacen galloped through the field of her old house. It was still flaming. No signs of life except animals fleeing the area. She rode past it into an unknown region. There was a cottage in the distance. Kacen's only sign of hope. She put griff around front, and walked up to the front door. She slowly knocked, and a man greeted her.

"Hello there."

He seemed puzzled, since he lived in the middle of no where.

"I'm just trying to find a place to stay... Name's Kacen." She slightly smiled and shook his hand.

"Kacen? I'm Mark." He shook her hand and invited her in.

Rosie held the Queen tightly on the way back to the castle.

The Queen turned her head sideways and whispered,

"You can call me Gaga if you want. I really like you."

She laughed softly, and felt Rosie nod.

"You're all I have now, Gaga."

She reached towards the back of the horse and grabbed her bag, opening it up to find a small diary and a pencil.

"Did you escape the fire that was over there a while ago?" He sat down on a wooden chair.

"Sure." Kacen nodded and sat in another chair. She looked down at her wrists and covered them up with her sleeves. Mark took notice.

"Burns? I can fix that." He smiled and went over to the small kitchen. Kacen smiled and looked at the floor. He came back over with herbs and water.

"Uhm I don't know if you wanna see..." Kacen frowned and shied away.

"Nah it's fine, I've seen worse probably." He smiled and rolled up her sleeves. The glass of water dropped on the floor.


Rosie laid the paper across her leg and began to draw two people holding hands. It was Gaga and herself. At the top, she wrote:

"Best Friends Forever!"

She tapped Gaga on the shoulder and handed the paper to her. She teared up and gave Rosie a hug.

They finally arrived back at the castle, when they saw a blazing fire off in the distance.

"Agh it burns." Mark rubbed the medicine on her arms up to her elbows.

"I've never seen anything like this before..." He focused on all of her cuts and of course the black burns.

"Are you what they call "magic"?" Mark asked looking up.

"I have to go..." She frowned and walked out of the cottage. Mark grabbed her arm and yanked her back.

"WHAT?!" She yelled shooting fire into the field behind her.

"Oh! Calm down, I just shouldn't of asked that question." He looked frightened and puzzled. Kacen eventually calmed down.

Gaga's shoulders slumped over and she felt hopeless.

"The castle is a goner."

Rosie shook her head and ran to the stables. She mounted Luna and rode towards the fire, leaving Gaga behind.

"If I can convince her to quit, she will go back to normal."

She rode until she saw Kacen standing near the doorway of a cottage.

"I'm sorry. Mark I should leave..." Kacen frowned and heard galloping in the distance.

"Don't leave. You're just not used to whatever this is." He walked closer then he heard the galloping. Griff ran toward the steps and Kacen climbed on. Mark looked up at her.

"Thank you Mark. I'm grateful." She smiled and galloped off behind the cottage.

"Ugh! Kacen come back here! You're going to ruin the place!"

She galloped over to the cottage and stopped near a man.

"Have you seen h-"

"Yeah. She went that way."

He pointed behind the cottage, and Rosie galloped until she saw Kacen.

Kacen turned angry again. Her arms burning the medicine Mark had given her. Flames blew behind Griff as his hooves collided on the ground. Kacen smiled and threw her hands up. The tree tops started burning and when it reached the trunk they fell.

"Timber!" Kacen laughed and threw fire at her sides.

Rosie growled with anger.


She saw Kacen laugh and shrug nonchalantly.


She galloped even faster towards Kacen and Griff, when she heard Gaga yell loudly.

"Oh don't you see the fun?"

Kacen laughed more and turned a sharp left. Griff turned black with his red eyes again. Kacen laughed and her eyes turned a bright yellow with fire glowing in the reflection. Griffs hooves soon turned into giant claws and his back sprouted wings. The ground turned smaller and the forest was swept across the land. Kacen yelled down to Rosie.

"KNOW LETS SEE HOW MUCH FUN I CAN HAVE!" She laughed and they flew to the castle.

"NO! NO! NO!"

Rosie screamed as loud as she could and turned Luna around. She saw Gaga already heading towards the castle, her horse now a unicorn.

"Why can't I do that?!"

Rosie laughed to her self, still heading as fast as she could towards the castle.

"I laugh in the face if fear!" Kacen flew down at the castle throwing flames in the cropyards. The whole field around the castle was on fire. Griff laughed along with Kacen in their moment of glory and triumph.


Rosie saw all of the horses flee the stable, mounted with each of the Haus members. The people from the town were also fleeing, fire all around them.

"Why? This is miraculously fun!"

Kacen laughed and landed Griff on the very top of the castle. Griff looked through the window and saw king Taylor.

"Grab him." Kacen ordered. Taylor was now clinging from the mouth of a black dragon.


Gaga dismounted her horse and ran up to the top of the castle, crying.


She looked in to Taylor's eyes for what might've been the last time.

"I love you baby," she mouthed.

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