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Y/N = Your name
F/S = Favorite song
F/C = Favorite color
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite color
F/A = Favorite animal
F/T/V = Favorite TV show
S/C = Skin color
H/C = Hair color
E/T/C = Ears/Tail color

Hi, my name's Y/N Cinnamon. I'm the youngest of the Cinnamon family. I have an older brother, his name is Daniel. Even though he acts like a child sometimes, he still is older than me by a year. Then there's my mom, Daniel looks exactly like her! People all the time say that I'm the spitting image of my Dad.

I've been homeschooled my whole life, I never did have many friends, well except Aaron. We met at a field trip for the local home school kids. He's a few years older than me, he's also the Alpha of the school I'm supposed to go to! Speaking of which, I better go to sleep to get ready for tomorrow!

Thank you for reading this Reader~Senpai!

~Author's Note~

Yay! This is the start, of something new! It feels so right, to be here with you guys..... I'll stop now. Well, this is what was chosen for the new book. And don't worry, Y/N won't break the fourth wall all the time. Just for the intro!

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