Chapter 7 - Makeup Doll

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Y/N = Your name
F/S = Favorite song
F/C = Favorite color
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite color
F/B = Favorite Book
M/N = Middle Name
F/B/C = Favorite book character
F/A = Favorite animal
F/T/V = Favorite TV show
S/C = Skin color
H/C = Hair color
E/T/C = Ears/Tail color
F/S/C = Favorite School Club
F/M = Favorite Movie
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/S/D = Favorite soft drink

I poured the spaghetti out of the pot, when Daniel walked through the door.

"Right in time Daniel. Set the table pleeaasee." I smiled.

Daniel nodded and got out the white glass plates. He set them around the brown table for me, our parents, and himself.

I finished up the spaghetti and set the bowl in the middle of the table as Daniel finished up setting the table.

"Mom! Dad! Dinner's ready!" I called out to my parents in the other room. The came in and got their drinks.

"Thank you Y/N. Thank you Daniel." Mom said.

We sat around the table and began eating.

"So, Y/N. Have you told Dottie yet?" Dad asked as he ate a fork full if spaghetti.

"Not unless Daniel has." I looked to my older brother.

"No. Num." He always makes weird noises when he eats, I don't even know with this kid.

"You should tell her. She's your friend right?" Mom exclaimed.

"I'll tell her when I feel like it." I took a short of my F/S/D. (If you don't like soft drinks then you can change it for water, milk, juice Etc.)

We ate the rest of dinner in silence. I put up my plate and went to my room.

I took my makeup kit off the top shelf.

"Oooh Daniel!!" I called for my brother.

Daniel came racing into my room, he loves it when I decorate his face with bright colors. I examined his face to see what I should do this time.

"How about I make you into a cupcake?" Daniel nodded rapidly.

"Ok, this time don't eat the eyeshdow." Daniel tried to eat the eyeshadow last time I turned him into a blueberry. I started to work by putting on foundation and concealer in the right colors.  I continued to apply makeup in being careful not to smudge anything.

I added the last sprinkle to Daniel's lips.

"Ahhh! It's amazing! Thank you much for letting me do your make up." I hugged my beautiful creation.

"Can I eat the sprinkles now?" Daniel begged.

"Not until I take a picture!" I whipped out my phone and snapped a picture of Daniel's face.  I posted the picture on my makeup account on Instasnap and captioned it.

"I officially have the best brother of all time." I told Daniel.

"Noooowww can I eat the sprinkles?" He did puppy eyes.

"Yes." I sighed.

Daniel locked his lips clean of the sprinkles that I had worked so hard on.

"Mmm! Yummy!" Daniel cheered. I smiled back at him and put up my makeup equipment.

~Author's Note~

Yeahhh, haven't updated in a while. I got huge writers block on this story! But don't worry I've got my skills back and I'm ready to write. I also have a schedule for sheen I'll update. It's in only other book,  "Avery's Amazing Stories" if you want to check it out.

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