Chapter 4 - Detention

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Y/N = Your name
F/S = Favorite song
F/C = Favorite color
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite color
F/B = Favorite Book
M/N = Middle Name
F/B/C = Favorite book character
S/F/B/C/= Someone you ship with F/B/C
F/A = Favorite animal
F/T/V = Favorite TV show
S/C = Skin color
H/C = Hair color
E/T/C = Ears/Tail color
F/S/C = Favorite School Club

~Super Fun Tiem Skip~

I raised my hand. "Yes?" The teacher called on me.

"Um, can I go to the bathroom?" I asked.

"I don't know, can you?" The Teacher smirked at me, oh ho ho ho. I spend way to much time on the internet so I know the perfect comeback.

"I don't know, can you get a full time job?" Ooooooooh the class cheered. Wow, I can't believe this worked.

~Skirt Skirt~

And that's how I got detention. Tip to myself, never do what the internet tells you to. I sat in the class reading my book, F/B. In the room there where a few other people, who I don't know so, we all kept to our selves. It was about ten minutes before someone came in to watch the class, not counting the sleeping teacher.

He went around to see what everyone was doing.

"So, why are you in detention. You look like a fairly good kid." The guy said.

"Well, I asked if I could go to the bathroom the teacher said 'I dOn'T kNoW cAn YoU.' So I replied 'I don't know can you get a full time job.'" I explained the story to him.

"Well, that's a first." He stuck his hand out. "Jeffery."

I shook his hand "Y/N." I smiled and went back to reading.

I slammed the book on the table.
S/F/B/C ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TOGETHER!" I scream at the book. People looked at me, then went back to their phones.

~Time Skip~

I entered my house, now to face the wrath of my parents.

"Y/N M/N Cinnamon!" Not the full name!

"Why is Irene did you get detention?" My mother yelled at me.

"Back talk." I answered simply, not wanting to go into details.

"Phone." She stuck out her hand. Not my precious baby! I can't live without it!

"What! My phone!?" I asked.

"Yes, for one whole week." I handed over my phone. Now what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to check my texts or social media?
Wait...I have a computer. I mentally face palmed and went upstairs. Tomorrow is the first day of the S.T.E.M club! I forgot! I decided to go ahead and go to sleep, it's been a long day.

~Author's Note~

Yay! Update! Finally, I've just been having major writers block or whatever.

:p On the other hand, there's another story I really want to write, but as you may or may not know I'm writing three stories at a time. 0-0 And I don't do a very good schedule on those sooo, that's not the best idea. XD


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