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Bellamy: 10
Clarke: 6
Octavia: 5
Wells: 6

It was Saturday night, which meant watching a 100 year old football game recording with my mom, dad, best friend wells and his dad. We were about an hour into when I heard some one out in the hall crying and screaming.

"I have to go see who that is." I say turning back to face everyone.

"I'll go with you." Wells says looking at his father.

We get up and walk to the door, I look out and see a boy with short curly brown hair, and a girl with short straight brown/black hair. They were alone.

"Hey!" I yell down the hallway. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

They turn around and I recognize them.

"Their Bellamy and Octavia. Our neighbors mom." I say before running to catch them.

I'd never talked to them before, and to be completely honest, I wasn't a big fan of Bellamy.

"Are you okay?" I ask while trying to catch my breath.

"We're fine. Now go away and leave us alone." Bellamy snaps at me as he grabs Octavia's arm and hurries away.

I walk back to the room. I didn't know what had happened but I could tell they were both hurt and sad. I felt bad and just wanted to help.

"You didn't need to be rude to Clarke." I say to Bellamy as he tightens his grip he has on my arm.

"How do you know her name?" He snaps at me

"She's our neighbor. Her moms the doctor. Best friends with Wells." I tell him in disbelief that he didn't know that.

"She's one of the privileged Oh. She has it all good and would never go through what we just went through. But hey, I give you credit for knowing that." He tells me as we walk into our room.

"Bell, I'm 5. Not dumb." I say closing the door behind us.

I was hurt and in pain. We just watched our mother get floated. And in 8 years my little sister is gonna get locked up till she's 18. I didn't want to deal with anything bit I knew I had to.

"Hey Oh I'm gonna..." I stop and realize she was asleep on the couch. It was late. I tucked her in and left.

I had to find Clarke and apologize. I remembered Octavia saying she was our neighbor, so I knocked on our neighbors door.

"Hey is Clarke here?" I ask as the door opens.

"Umm I have no idea who your talking about dude." A kid, younger than me, with goggles tells me.

"Oh. Okay sorry." I tell the kid. And I walk away.

It was already 10pm and I didn't want to wake anyone else up. I went back to my room and fell asleep on the floor next to Octavia.

I feel like this is a really long and not so good/interesting chapter. Leave me a review and let me know what you thought.😊

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