Mount Weather

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When the drop ship door opens there is a man we've never seen before. He had white hair, he looked to be somewhere between the age 60-70 and he was wearing a suit. He has one of our guns in his hand.

"Who the hell are you?" Octavia says grabbing her sword

"Dante. But my people call me President Wallace." He replied

"What are you doing here. And we're are our people?" I asked with anger in my voice

"Their safe. Now come with us." Dante said walking down the drop ship door

"Us?" Murphy asks

"Oh sorry. This is my son Cage."  He says as Cage comes out of the drop ship

"Why would we come with you guys?" Bellamy asks, breaking the silence

"To see your friends." Cage states walking closer to me and Bellamy

I stepped up in front of Clarke not knowing who this Cage guy was.

"If you need help deciding on wether to come or not, hopefully this will help." Cage says as he walks back into the drop ship.

He comes out with Raven, Monty and Jasper. Arms tied behind their backs, gagged and a gun to Ravens head.

"No! Let them go." Clarke. Screams as she runs up to Cage.

"Stop! Back away now or I will shoot this lovely girl." Cage says as he cocks the gun.

She comes back beside me. I grab her hand.

"What happens to us if we do come with you?" Murphy asks

"Well, your 3 friends here live. And you can have a much nicer home." Dante interrupts

"Well do it. Well come just let out friends go." Clarke says.

I feel her squeeze my hand tighter as she tenses up after she says that.

"Great! Cage free them." Dante demands

Once their all 3 free, they all run and give Clarke a hug. "Thank you." Monty says

"Great let's go home." Dante says

"Where is home, exactly?" I ask

"Mount weather. Now come on." Cage demands.

My heart sank and my stomach turns when he says that. I remember Lincoln telling me something about mount weather. He told me that they weren't good people.

"Bell." I say grabbing his arm

He let's go of Clarke's hand and stops to walk by me

"What is it?" He asks

"These aren't good people. Lincoln told me." I say hoping he understands.

"I don't trust them either Oh. But we didn't have a choice." He says as he catches up to Clarke.

If this is how we died, I was going to be pissed.

Wow, hands down to me for not posting for a few days. I have SB week after next so I'm trying to finish all my school work and shi! I'll be more active and update more regularly soon!😊

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