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I wake up and look over at Clarke, she's sleeping facing me with her arm over the edge of the bed.

"Bellamy..." Clarke says weekly in her morning voice

"Morning princess." I say

She motions for me to come to her bed, I do. I lay down next to her and she snuggle up under my arm. Resting her head on my chest.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask kissing her head.

She doesn't respond. I look at her face and she's asleep again. I run her back and then wrap my arm around her waist. She flinches.

"Princess. What's wrong." I ask moving my hand

"That hurt." Is all she could manage to say

I sit up a little laying Clarke's head on the pillow. I lift up her shirt so I'm able to see her waist. When I do, I see a piece of guaze being help on by tape.

"What's this?" I ask Clarke

"What's what?" She aka quietly and weakly.

"Guaze and tape." I tell her

"Pull it off and see." She tells me

I pull it off and find a little cut/hole. I look at it closer and can't tell what it is.

I don't remember much of last night. I remember going to sleep in Bellamys arms, then being taken from my bed by a girl in a white coat. I remember pain and a drill sound. Then I remember waking up and right now.

"Jasper come look at this." Bellamy says

I want to know what's going on but I'm really tired and can't move.

"What is it?" Jasper asks

"No." I hear a girl say as she walk into our dorm.

"Who the hell are you?" Murphy asks

"Maya. I live here." She says

"Tell me what this is." Bellamy demands pointing at my wound

"That's why I said no when I walked in. That's a mark left when someone takes bone marrow from someone." Maya says "how tired and weak are you?"

"She can hardly move. She can't sit up and hardly stay awake." Bellamy answers for me

"They've taken a lot of her bone marrow. And they will take more until they can't. They'd kill her." Maya says

I don't sit up or say anything during this. I just lay there not being able too do much else.

"You guys need to get out of here." Maya says

"How do we do that?" Octavia asks

"You would have to.... you can't." Maya says sitting down

"Why can't we." Bellamy asks sounding desperate

"The only way out would kill Clarke. She's too weak to even sit on her own, she couldn't escape this mountain in her condition." Maya says looking at me.

"Sorry guys." I say softly.

Sorry it's taken me so long to update. I didn't know if I wanted this book to go this way or a different way, but I liked this turn of plot and gave in. Something happens in the next chapters so watch out🤔😬

For all it's faults.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora