Meeting the boy

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It was the day after I found out Bellamy was down here with me. Ever since then, everything seemed so much better. We wanted to keep what we had a secret, considering we didn't really know what we had.

"Hey princess." Someone says and grabs my arms.

"Hey I'm trying to... ohh it's you." Noticing it's Bellamy I stop cleaning.

"So, we haven't slept in the same tent in a while. Tonight?" He asks

"Bellamy I told you, we can't sleep together until we figure out what we are."

"We'll figure it out tonight. Okay?" He asks

"I'll be there." Giving him a kiss on the cheek

"Hey Bellamy, I need to talk to you." I tell him noticing him quickly move his hand from Clarke's arm.

"Hey Oh. Is everything okay."

"I need you to meet someone." I  say leading him out of the camp.

He surprisingly follows without asking we're we're going.
I lead him to a cave, as we enter it's empty, I tell him to sit and to wait.

"Oh, we've been sitting here for 20 minutes."  He says as if asking to go home.

"Shh patience." Just as I say that he walks in. Along with 2 others.

"Octavia? Are you here?" He calls

"I'm right here Lincoln. You brought company." I mention

"Why'd you want to meet?" He asks.

"I wanted you to meet my brother." I respond.

"Who is this?" I demand

"Bell, calm down. This is Lincoln, my boyfriend."she says calmly.

"There are other people here?" I ask.

"Yess, and we would be assassinating skaikru if it wasn't for Octavia here." I hear 1 of the girls in the back say.

"This is to much. I'm leaving. And oh, don't bring them back to camp. Their dangerous." I say before storming back to camp.

I have to tell Clarke. I couldn't believe this. Or my sister keeping this from me. I need to tell someone.

I needed to find Clarke. I needed to talk to her. I spot her at the other side of camp, I run over to her.

"We need to talk."

"Finn, listen. I liked you, I did but..." I interrupt her.

"But then Bellamy came along.

"You don't understand. Me and Bellamy go back a few years. Okay, so you don't know anything. Yes, I did leave you, and I'm sorry. But I love Bellamy! Not you!" She yells at me

I shove her backwards and storm off, I couldn't believe her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I have a plan for the next chapter and it's gonna get good.

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