The attack of Peace

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The whole way back to camp I was thinking about how to stop the attack. I knew we didn't have anything we could trade. I felt defeated and like I let down the whole camp.

"Princess you with me?" Bellamy waves his hand in front of my face

"Yea What Sorry." I mumble

"We're here." He tells me

I look up and see the gates of our camp. I look up at him and he gives me a smile, that I can tell is fake.

The gates open. "Let's go tell everyone."

When we walk in the gate Octavia sees us from the other side of the camp and comes sprinting over.

"I have some news." She says between breaths

"Can it Wait O?" Bellamy asks

She grabs our wrists and pulls us into the drop ship. "You don't understand Bell it's important."

"Octavia what is it?" I ask sounding angry. I didn't mean too

"The grounders, they are going to attack our camp. Tonight. At sundown." She informs us

"How do you know their attacking?" Bellamy asks

"Wait you knew?" She asks, ignoring Bellamys question.

"Yes. That's why we're here. Lexa sent us back, after telling us they were attacking." I say

"How did you know?" Bellamy asks again

"Lincoln." She says "what are we gonna do?"

"Go get my mom, Kane, and some of the guard. We need all the brains we can get. We're gonna survive this." I tell them both.

Octavia goes and gets Kane, I get my mom and Bellamy gets some of the guard. Once we tell them everything they all look terrified. We talk about it and we decided to stay and fight. This was our home too and we deserved it just as much as them.

It was still around morning. We had all day to work. People worked on building the wall taller and stronger. While others worked on making the drop ship safe. The children would be in the drop ship, everyone 16 years and younger. Every one 17 and older had a gun. We worked all day. When it was close to sun down all the children went inside the drop ship. They closed the door so we knew they'd be safe. All gunners took their positions around camp. Me and Bellamy waited for Lexa at the gate. We had a plan 'B' that we would do instead of our original plan depending on how many warriors were with Lexa.

When it was finally dark Lexa rose up to our gate on a horse. Followed by 4 other guys on horses carrying torches. Then at least 100 other warriors came out from the woods.

"This all the people you brought?" I question

"There's 100 of you. Probably less now than when you landed. I don't need more than 100 warriors." She states

She obviously didn't know the rest of the ark came down. I look at Bellamy and he nods his head.

"Now!" I yell.

Me and Bellamy run behind something, and the gunners take down every grounder, only leaving Lexa.

"What did you do?" She asks, anger present in her voice.

"I protected my people." I say

"You will regret this." She threatens.

"Will we?" I question

"I have hundreds of more warriors. This wasn't even half." She spits

I shoot her in the arm causing her to fall off her horse. Me and Bellamy tie her arms together and gag her. "We have a plan of our own." I spit at her.

We bring her inside the gate and close the gate. We let the kids out of the drop ship and bring Lexa in there. We tie her arms and legs to a chair and un gag her.

"Just kill me." She scoffs

"We're not gonna kill you. We're going to use you to make peace." Bellamy says

"How?" She laughs

"We're gonna Bring you to every village that you have grounders. And if they don't agree to peace, then we repeat what happened here. But there." Bellamy says

"What about me." She questions

"You are our prisoner. If one day a village who we have peace with decides to change their minds and attack. We threaten to kill you. And if they still attack, we eliminate them." I tell her

We walk out before she can say anything else. Miller and Murphy stand guard outside the drop ship while everyone else gets one rest.

Bellamy (next day)
We grab Lexa and she leads us to all the villages. There was 35 all together. Unfortunately only 25 agreed to peace with us. Each village we had peace with had about 20 people in it. They all agreed they wouldn't help us survive, but they wouldn't attack us.

We next had to go to Polis. This morning we had gunners take place all around Polis, for protection. When we arrived at the gate Lexa told them to open it. We walked in and were greeted by swords.

"Stand down." Lexa demand

"Heda What is this?" One of the grounders asks

"This is peace. You guys have to agree to peace with skaikru, or you'll all be assassinated." She says

After hours of talking, Lexa finally convinced Polis to have a truce with us. Their only thing was Lexa staying at Polis. We agreed to let her stay to keep the peace.

I felt really good about this peace we had with the grounders. They all knew what would happen if they broke it. They all knew we had the gun power to kill them all if we wanted. As we walked home in silence all I wanted was Clarke. She stayed at camp with Octavia. She was helping her cope with loosing Lincoln.


After a very long day I'm back at camp. I grab a drink of water and start looking for Octavia and Clarke. I look around everywhere. I ask a couple people and no one has seen them. I finally check Octavia's tent and I find them. Their both sound asleep in Octavia's bed, back to back. I smile at the image In front of me. The 2 most important people in my life. I take a mental image and go to walk out.

"Hey big brother." Octavia whispers.

"Hey O. I didn't mean to wake you." I say turning back into the tent

"It's okay. You didn't."

"I see you 2 are friends." I point to Clarke.

"She's helping me Bell. I'm still sad about Lincoln leaving. But she's helping me move on."

"Just don't steal my girlfriend." I joke

"That's impossible. I'm all yours." Clarke groans rolling over to face me

"Your both awake." I laugh

"Point out the obvious big brother."

"Come join us." Clarke says

"That bed isn't big enough for 3." I say

"There room. Come on I'm freezing. More bodies under this blanket the more body heat." Octavia groans

I give in. I crawl into bed. I lay in the middle between Clarke and Octavia. This is all I want in life. Me, my sister, and the love of my life. A family, my family. Octavia turns her back to me and falls asleep again. Clarke curls up under my arm and falls asleep again. I smile as I slowly fall asleep. At this moment I was happy. I wanted this to last forever.


Unfortunately this book has come to and end. This was my first book I ever write in here. It was super fun writing this. I hope you all enjoyed. Thank you all for the reads and votes. Comment what you thought of the book.
And don't worry there will be an epilogue in a few days, I just have to write it.

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