The Unexpected Surprise.

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Me and Maya walk down a hallway and into the medics center. She closes the door and locks it behind her. She whistles and her friend comes out from behind the curtains

"Nice hiding place." Maya says sarcastically

"Okay Clarke. Hop on here and let me check you out." Her friend says to me

"I'm doctor Enid." She mentions

I smile and nod. "What are we doing?"

"Well I don't quiet no exactly yet."

She asks Maya how weak I was and how much marrow they took from me. After Maya explains it all to her she looks at me.

"What. What is it?" I ask worriedly

"The amount of marrow they took was really close to the amount that would have killed you. But they didn't take enough." She tells me

"Why?" I ask sounding more scared now

"Clarke, your pregnant." Enid says

"No. Check again that can't be!" I scream at her.

They test my blood to see, and it comes back positive. I'm pregnant. I'm going to have a baby. My only though was how Bellamy was going to handle it.

Maya walks me back to my dorm and I lay down on a bed. Everyone except Murphy was asleep. I went over to his bed to let someone know I was back.

"I'm back." I whispered

"Good. We were all worried about you." He stages rolling over to face me

"So worries you fell asleep?" I ask joking around

"Yea, guess we were more tired than worried." He laughed

"Dick." I say and punch his arm

"You hungry?" He asks me

"Alittle. Why?" I respond.

"Well, there's pudding in the kitchen." He smirks at me

"Then what are we waiting for." I laugh

He gets up and we quietly leave the dorm, and run down the hall to the kitchen. When we get there I'm out of breath, due to still being weak from the bone marrow and being pregnant.

"Hungry?" Murphy asks handing me a spoon

"Is that even a question." I respond and grab the spoon

He handed me a thing of pudding. We could only eat one so the people who take inventory wouldn't notice. We sat on the ground behind a table in the middle of the kitchen. We talked about me and Bellamy, who he liked, which was nobody, what we were going to do once we were out of here, and a lot of other things.

Once we were done with our pudding we threw the spoons and containers in the garbage and stood up. When we reached the door to leave we heard a mans voice

"Stop right there you too."

"We looked at each other and took off running. We took a different way to the dorm in hopes of loosing them. Once we lost them we stopped so I could catch my breath

"Damn girl, being locked up isn't good for you."
Murphy said. I just glared at him

When we heard footsteps we started running again. When we reached the dorm we ran inside and locked the doors. Both of us were breathing heavy now. We looked at each other and started laughing. We woke up everyone on accident.

"Where the hell have you guys been?" Octavia asked as her and everyone else walked over to us.

"Pudding." Is all I could manage to say through my breathing.

"Pudding?" Bellamy questioned

"We got pudding. From the kitchen." Murphy said

"Then why are you nothing breathing hard. Is that all you did?" Miller asks

I could see Bellamy give Miller a death stare and then turn and look at me with worry in his eyes. I walked over to him and lazily wrapped my arms around his neck

"I promise the only thing we did was eat pudding." I leaned in and kissed him

"Why are you breathing so hard then?" Miller asked

"When we were eating our pudding, 2 guards came into the kitchen, we had to run and loose them." I told him

"Okay. Well, it's late. We should probably go back to sleep." Bellamy ordered

Once everyone was back to their bed bellamy brought me far enough away no one could hear us.

"How was the doctors?" he asked

I stood there not answering for a while until he spoke again

"Princess?" He said, worry lacing his voice

"Bellamy." Is all I choked out

"Clarke, what is it?" He asked more serious

"I can't tell you. Cause you'll get scared and leave. And I can't loose you, ever." I said, tears forming in my eyes

"Princes." We sat down on 2 chairs "nothing would ever make me leave you. Okay? I love you so fucking much. If I'm gonna be scared, it means that your terrified, and we can help each other." He told me holding both my hands that were resting on my knees

"Bellamy, I'm pregnant." I told him

He stared at me not sayin anything. So I spoke again

"That's why they didn't take the amount of bone marrow that would have killed me."

"Princess, that's great!" He said standing up and wrapping his arms around me picking me off the ground

He sat me down and pulled away "it is mine right?"

"Yes, of course it's yours. Idiot." I laughed

He hugged me and kissed me. "I love you princess."

"We're having a baby." I laughed

"We're gonna be bomb ass parents." He Joked.

He kissed me and then we walked over to our beds

"Hey, sleep with me. I don't wanna be alone." I told him

"The baby might not approve." He told me

"It's not even the size of my fist. Get over here." I said grabbing his wrist

I pulled him over and we cuddle up. I rested my head on his chest listening to him breath. He kissed the top of my head, but I quickly rolled over so I was sitting on him. I leaned down and kissed him.

He had one hand on the back of my neck pulling our faces closer as if they could get any close. The other running up and down my spine. My hands were tangled up in his hair. We made out for a few minutes, I moved my hands to the bottom of his shirt and went to take it off before he stoped me.

"What?" I asked

"Our friends are in here." He said

"We'll have to be quiet then." I said leaning back down to kiss him.

Starting were we left of, I finally took of his shirt, he picked me up and brought me to a bed farther away from our friends, never breaking the kiss. He took off my shirt and then threw me on the bed. I giggle and pulled him down, now he was on top of me. He pinned my hands down above my head.

We lay next to each other. Both breathing heavy and sweaty. I laid my head in his chest.

"That probably wasn't best for the baby." He said kissing the top of my head

"It isn't even..." I was cut of by Bellamy kissing me

"I know. But you really need to rest now. It's gonna be a big day today."

"Goodnight Bellamy."

"Night princess."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If anyone has any good/cute Bob and Richard wallpapers and Bob and Eliza wallpapers. Send them to me please. I'm in need of new wallpapers for my phonee😂😓

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