Falling for you

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Zoro: "398! (Swish) 399(swish) 400!(swish)...."

Usopp smiled happily. "Ah Zoro. That wind feels nice."
Zoro was swinging extremely heavy dumbells around like usual. It was an ordinary day like usual ecxept it was sweltering out.

"Robin? Robin?" Nami called out.
Have you seen Robin Luffy?

Luffy: Nope. Maybe shes sleeping or reading a book somewhere.

Nami: I am starting to get worried luffy. I havn't seen her all day.

Sanji: "Robin is missing!? Oh the horror! Luffy! This is all your fault! If you hadnt eaten everything last night, robin wouldnt have been scared off!"
This continued on for awhile longer.

Zoro stopped swinging his weight around and growled. Damn woman. Even when she isn't here she is causing me trouble.
I can't train with all this ruckus. Zoro set his weight down making Usopp yell in fear.
"What are you doing Zoro! You could have squished me!"
Zoro glared at him. "Shut up long nose."
Usopp gulped and backed away.
Zoro: Come to think of it...where's chopper? A small part of zorros heart ached when he thought of Robin. Something doesn't feel right here...
Zoro went straight to choppers room to see if Robin was there. "Chopper?"
Zoro found a strange calming sight when he entered the room. Robin was holding chopper very gently in her arms.

Robin: "Chopper. If you dont rest, you will die.

Chopper: "what?! I don't want to die!...but they need me robin!" he said tearfully.

Zoros eyes softened. Chopper is sick. Robin. You have been here this entire time with him?
I...guess you aren't all that bad.
Zoro walked to Robin and choppers side.
The sudden movement made Robin look up straight into his eyes. Her face was pale and she seemed to be trembling a bit. Taking care of chopper had taken its toll.
"Hello Mr. Swordsman..." She said quietly.
Robin: His eyes are beautiful. If only he didn't hate me. But i guess that is wishful thinking on my part. I hope chopper doesn't die. "Zoro? Could you take chopper and lay him down on his bed? He is being stuborn and refuses to rest."

Zoro grabbed the little reindeer from Robins shaking arms and carried him over to the bed. "Oi. Chopper. Its time to go ta sleep."  He set chopper down gently and made sure that he would stay in bed.
He then turned around to see Robin trying to stand up from the chair.
Oh my....i feel so weak....my legs wont support me. Robin finally stood up and walked a couple step foreward before falling toward the floor.
Zoro caught her in his arms. "Stop being so damn nice woman! And stop being stubborn. If you need help, just ask."
Robins lip quivered involuntarily and she smiled up at him. "I think...that i just fell for you Mr. Swordsman."
Zoro looked annoyed.Who does she think she is!? "Very funny. Now you are going to bed as well Robin." Zoro lifted Robin into his arms and took her to her bed and layed her down. "Get some rest. You earned that much at least."

"As you wish...Zoro." I think am growing on him.
Zoro sighed quietly and left the room. He is so cute when he's mad.

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