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Hmph. Damn woman. More like a witch. I better follow her just to make sure nothing happens.  Zoro grumbled for a second and followed after Robin into the forest. An eerie sound penetrated through the forest and Robin stilled. "It would appear that noise comes from the southbird."

Zoro glanced around suspiciously before grimacing. "You might be right about that. That weird guy did say it had a strange call." He started walking back the way they had come and robin chuckled. Mr Swordsman,That's the way we just came.

Zoro stiffened and blushed a bit. Fine then you lead.  He glanced around wearily before treading forward again.

Robin smiled at zoro and walked ahead of him. She swung herself on some vines and hopped up into a tree. He's so cautious yet has a terrible sense of direction. How endearing.
"Zoro watch out for that quagmire."

Zoro: You better watch yourself damn....
with a gurgled noise he fell ito some quicksand.
Robin laughed outloud at Zoro, resulting in his angered countenance.
Zoro: "hmph. Help me out Woman."
Robin threw him a vine and pulled him out of the quicksand with a smirk on her face.
"If you have no other delays then please keep up Zoro. We need to find the southbird or we may never be able to reach sky island." The call of the bird sounded much closer than before. There it is. Robin stilled and glanced around.

At the same moment that Robin focused on the southbird zoro sensed killing intent in the atmosphere.b
Zoro growled low in his thtoat before slashing at two centipedes that had tried to attack robin when she wasn't looking. Who do these centipedes think they are trying to kill.
He snorted when he saw Robin's surprised face. Hmph. Nobody is gonna touch my comrades.
Robin chuckled and ran her hand along zoros arm in comfort. Thankyou Zoro.

Zoro glared at her for a second but did not push her hand away.

Robin smiled and walked away. Come on Zoro! It's right over there! She pointed to a branch.

The bird glanced over with a smug look on it's face and flew off. DAMN BIRD! Zoro yelled. The bird laughed and flew away as zoro slashed his sword at it repeatedly.

"ZHOOOUU!" The southbird seemed to be mocking Zoro. 

Robin laughed cheerfully at zoro's attempt to catch the southbird. A wistful expression crossed her face.   Perhaps it is not so bad to have someone to care about. I've been alone for so long...oh well. I'll stay here for awhile longer. These people are quite interesting. 
"Ah be careful zoro. You are going to be swallowed by the quagmire again."

Zoro glared at Robin and promptly fell into the quicksand again. "Damn woman! The least you could do is help catch the damn bird!"

Robin: Ooh. Interesting. "Oh? And what will be my reward if i catch the bird for you Mr. hansome swordsman?" A devilish twinkle appeared in her eyes.

Zoro grunted in annoyance and hid a slight blush. What the hell is her problem. "Yeah yeah just get me out of here first and I'll tell you.
Robin just chuckled and pulled him out quickly.  She pinned zoro against a tree, pressed her lips to his ear, and whispered to him. "My reward? Will you give it to me?"

Zoro: You haven't even caught it yet. He grabbed onto robin amd quickly reversed their positions. "Besides...you probably can't catch it. I've tried to catch it all day."
He couldn't help but inhale her scent. She's gonna be the death of me. Such a beautiful devil taunting me openly.

Robin crossed her arms in front of her and smiled. Clutch. She caught the bird in a single second, leaving Zoro flabbergasted.

Zoro: hmph. Not bad. Perhaps I'll give this woman a little more respect.  "It looks like i tired it out."

Robin chuckled. I'll humor him for a bit.  "It seems to be exactly as you say Mr. Swordsman.  Thank you for tiring it out." He's so cute sometimes.
"Let's head back Zoro, it's starting to get dark. The storm is approaching."

Zoro grunted quietly but followed behind her. I can't see through her. I'll have to keep my guard up.

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