Chapter 2

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"Was Nat at school today?" Mr Coulson asks the volleyball team as we all line up for practice.

"Yea She was here." Hela says. Hela is just a quiet girl, I barely know her:

Mr Coulson shakes his head slightly and mutters under his breath. He wrote some things down and blew the whistle. "Okay everyone start with your drills."

I was the captain of the team, so I lead everyone in a light jog around the gym. We did ten laps and then we walked and stretched. Once again, I lead that too.

"Ms Romanoff, your late!" I could hear Mr Coulson yell from the other end of the gym.

I look over my shoulder to see Nat walk in, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I sigh and continue doing my stretches.

"Sorry Mr Coulson but I was like, dealing with something. I feel like you could show me some compassion." Nat says, in a total valley girl way.

"One more unexcused tardy and your off the team Natasha. Now I don't care what your wearing, start your warm up." Mr Coulson barks at Nat, and she groans and joins us all in our warm up.

Over time I notice the boys team slowly start to fill into the gym. They were all sitting on the bleachers, not exactly paying attention to us but blabbering away to each other.

"Okay everyone make two teams, we are going to do a bit of game play." I shout, and everyone gets on one side of the court or the other.

Once everyone gets on their side I climb up onto the pole on the net and count to make sure it's equal. Once it is I grab my whistle and blow it, and signal for the first six players to step into the court.

I watch them as they play, counting the score in my head and correcting any mistakes that are made. Mr Coulson walks into his office and the boys start howling.

"Nice ass Stark!" One of them screams. I turn around to see Clint yelling at the top of his lungs next to Steve, who's just sitting there not doing a thing.

"Screw off Barton." I yell back at him, flipping him off and facing forward to watch the game play.

The timer on my watch goes off, and I whistle that the game is over and for the players to step down off the pole. I sigh, taking a gulp from my water bottle and heading into the change room. I don't bother to fully change so I pull on a pair of sweats over my shorts and put my school jacket on. I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk out of the change room, heading out of the school.

"You need a lift?" Someone asks behind me in a Russian accent. I turn around to se Pietro walking up next to me. "Because I'm heading home right now and it wouldn't be a problem."

I smile back at Pietro and nod. "Yeah that would be great, thanks." I say and we head out to the student parking lot. "Tony's at your place tonight, he didn't want to go home while I was at practice."

Pietro sighs and unlocks the car. "I'm really sorry you both have to do this all the time." He says and we both climb in.

I shake my head at Pietro. "It's not your fault Pietro. I just sometimes wish it didn't have to end up like this."

Pietro frowns as he pulls out of the school parking lot. "Maybe I could talk to my parents and you two could stay with us. You live at our place half time pretty much. I know they wouldn't mind."

"No it's fine. I don't want to cause that trouble, especially since of my schedule. Besides some days we just need to be at home." I sigh and look out the window.

"Alright then." Pietro says and faces forward. "You have your license, correct?" He asks.

I shake my h as slightly. "Not my full license since I'm not sixteen yet. Why?" I look at Pietro.

"Just wondering. For when you do get your full license I can hook you up with a guy who sells older cars for cheep, if that okay." Pietro says and he pulls up to my house.

"That would be great. Thanks Pietro. And thanks for the ride. I'll see you tomorrow." I hop out of the car and grab my duffle bag.

I dash up to the house as Pietro drives away. I walk up on the porch, and grab the key that was under one of the stones next to the door. I unlock the door and walk in quietly, hoping no one was home or asleep.

"Who's there!" Someone slur screams from the living room. I knew it was my dad who must have been drunk.

"It's Raven, dad. I was at Volley Ball." I say instantly back. Volley Ball was the only excuse I could ever get away with for being late.

"Wheres your brother?" He slur shouts back. I could hear the chair creek from the other room and I gulp, knowing he's coming my way.

My dad was always mad when Tony wasn't home, but Tony never got in trouble. It was always our mom and I.

"He's with some friends working on a school project." I say, gulping worried he'll come at me again.

I could hear the shuffling footsteps stop. Along with that came some grumbling and I could hear him go back to his chair. I let out a sigh of relief and I run up the broken stairs to my room. I close and lock the door, throwing everything on the ground.

I pull out my phone from my pocket and dial Wanda's number.

"Pick up pick up." I mutter to myself, biting my nails on my one hand and pacing around my room.

"Hello?" Wanda answers the phone and I stop pacing.

"Hey Wanda, um, Tony's at your place right?" I ask, knowing he is there but just wanting to be one hundred percent sure.

"Yeah he's here. Pietro just got home and he's helping him put some stuff away. Why, is everything okay?" She asks from the other line quote concerned.

"Yeah I guess so. I'm just locked in my room again like usual. My dads hammered I guess." I sigh and sit down on my creaky bed.

I could hear Wanda sigh from through the phone. "I'm so sorry Raven. I have to go help my mom with dinner but I'll call you tonight."

"Alright. See ya." And with that I hang up my phone, and lye down on my bed, quietly listening to hear of my dad starts to walk up the stairs.

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