Chapter 11

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Ever since that little closet scene I had with Peter yesterday, I've been having a lot of mixed feelings. Peters the worst of the worst, no one can be as mean as he ever could. But to see him starts to cry? That did make me slightly change my opinion on him. But he was still the ass of the school.

Once again at lunch, Wanda was late but no one seemed to notice except me. "Does anyone know where Wanda is?" I ask the table.

Bucky looks at me from beside andTony looks up from his bowl. They both shrug and focus back down at eating.

Tony gulps down what food he has in his mouth and looks at me. "Now that you say it, she's always late for lunch." Tony says.

I do a small, unnoticeable eye roll in the back of my head because I knew for a fact she was probably hooking up with Vision. But I smiled secretly because it was super cute to be honest.

"Practice or game tonight?" Bucky asks and I turn to look at him.

"Practice. The guys are after us and Steve offered to give me a ride home." I shrug and starts to eat. Tony starts coughing and I look up at him, and he was now gulping down some water. "Are You Okay?" I ask.

Tony nods and finish his water, and looks at me with a bring red face. "Yeah I'm fine. But did you just say that Steve was driving you home?"

I look at Tony funny and raise an eyebrow. "Yeah? Is there something wrong with that?"

"No, it's just." Tony paused and licks his bottom lips. "Are you two a thing?"

I laugh a bit and shake my head, but Bucky was eyeing me too. "Steve and I are NOT a thing. Besides, he likes someone else." I smile.

Bucky looks at me for a few more seconds before eating again. "Sure Raven, whatever you say." He smirks and I punch him in the arm.

"I am not dating Steve. And I don't even like him in that way Bucky. So just, shut up!" I his and shove some food in my mouth.

Wanda finally comes skipping into the cafeteria like her usual self and sits down beside Tony. I could see him mumbling something under his breath but I leave it alone.

My phone buzzes from my back pocket, so I slide it out to see a text from Steve, asking me to meet him before class early to talk. I reply and shove my phone back in my pocket.

"Everything okay?" Bucky asks from beside me and glances down at where I put my phone.

I look at him and smile. "Yeah it's good. Nothing to worry about." I say and continue to eat.

The rest of lunch was pretty quiet to be honest, everyone seemed down in the dumps and pretty blue. I was about to leave before Wanda thought of something and looked at Bucky.

"Weird question, I know but what's going on with the whole Nat and Clint thing?" She asks Bucky but glances at me too.

Bucky shrugs a bit. "I'm not sure. But I over heard Nat talking to Sam and Peter and she is for sure pregnant."

I shake my head and roll my eyes. "She just turned sixteen like what? Two weeks ago?" I say. "Jesus. And with my bet Clint left her."

Bucky nods. "Yeah, it's a pretty fucked up thing if you ask me."

I stand up with my tray and walk out of the cafeteria. I go to my locker first to grab what I need so I don't have to come back after. I then walk down to the science area for Chemistry.

I was glad it was almost winter break because then when we get back we do our exams and our classes change. English stays the same, but I switch Biology with physics, math with calculus, chemistry with health and gym with a spare that I'll fill in later.

I saw Steve standing at the set of lockers before the doors into the science wing. I smile and give a little wave to Steve. "So whatcha need?" I ask.

"Can we walk and talk for a few minutes?" Steve asks and I look him in the eye and nod.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" I ask and we start walking down the halls.

Steve shrugs and continues looking ahead. "I know this may sound annoying but I don't know what to do about your brother. Have you talked to him yet?"

"I've talked to him some what. I know he's not straight but he's not say, he's bi. But only Wanda, Pietro, Bucky and I know and he doesn't know you know." I say. "But if you do talk to him about it, he will likely tell you."

I could see Steve's face turn a bit red as he smiles. "Maybe I could ask him to the dance."

I make a funny face and look around. "There's a dance? When?" I ask really confused, because I was not informed on this.

Steve stops walking and starts to laugh. "It's the Winter Formal, Raven. It's next Friday, the last day before break. How have you not known about this?"

I shrug and look around to find a poster but I don't see one. "To be honest I'm not sure. I guess I've been distracted lately."

Steve takes a few breaths in and we turn around to walk back the other way. "Anyways, do you think if I ask him to the dance he would be okay with it?" Steve asks, more serious now.

I think for a moment but end up nodding. "Yeah for sure. I mean, I know Tony pretty well. If he's not comfortable with it what he would probably ask is that you guys do something low key at each other's houses or something." I shrug.

I could tell Steve was thinking but a giant grin went across his face. "I know how I'm going to ask him. I hope he says yes!"

We stop before the doors and now I had a giant grin on my face. "How?" I ask, curiously.

"I'm not telling." Steve smirks like an idiot. "Your going to have to wait."

Steve opens the door for me and we both go walking in. "No fair, in his twin sister. I deserve to know."

"You'll find out when you find out Raven. But you won't be disappointed." Steve says and walks to the back of the desk where he sits with Peter.

I roll my eyes and place my bag down and sit next to Bucky, who was my lab partner in this class too.

"Is there something I should know about?" Bucky asks me as he glances back to Steve.

I shake my head but keep smiling. "Nah, I'll inform you later. But you'll love it, trust me."

I turn around to smile at Steve but he was looking away. And instead I was looking at Peter, who surprisingly was smiling and looking at me too.

A/N: sorry for the slow updates I'm swamped with school :(

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