Chapter 13

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*Warning* There could be semi mature themes in here, so if your not comfortable just be cautious


There were multiple notifications actually, about ten after I counted them all. I stared at my phone and finally opened it, scrolling through all the texts.


Hey it's Peter I really need your help

Please Raven.

I need your help.

Something really bad happened with the system.

Please answer.

I can't call anyone else.


Your the only one I know that can help.

Please answer me Raven.


I read the messages over and over again and keep trying to find a way to respond to him, or if I really wanted to help him considering how much we all hated him.

I opened his contact and my thumb hovered over the call button before I lightly touched the screen. I brought my phone to my ear and let it ring three times before an answer.

"Raven please I really need your help." Peter says from the other line, he sounded quiet and worn down.

"With what? What do you possibly need so bad that you had to come to me of all people. Can't Clint or Sam help you out?" I sigh, sitting up on my bed.

"They can't know about this. Only you. Can you meet me at my foster house? No one is home anymore they left for a few days probably." Peter pleads from the other line.

I wait for a moment before I answer. Do I really want to help him? "Fine. Give me he address and I'll be over shortly."

Peter gives me the address and I write it down on my hand. Not knowing how long I'll be, I text Steve and say I'll need a wait on that ride. I pack all my volleyball stuff now and head out the door.

"Wanda, I have to go do some stuff and I won't be home till after Volley-Ball." I shout from the front door.

"Alright." Is all I get back as I run out the door and down the street.

Peters foster home was actually only a few blocks away, so it wasn't so bad to walk. But when I got there, the house actually looked like crap. I open the gate and slowly walk up to the front porch and open the door. The place was kind of messy and I didn't see Peter.

"Peter? It's Raven!" I shout, looking through all the stuff that's on the floor and moving slowly.

"I'm upstairs." He shouts back in a weak voice.

I slowly walk up the creaky stairs and find Peter in one of the many rooms. He was sitting on a bed, slumped over. When he heard me come in, he looked up and I gasped.

Surviving in Avengers High (Avengers AU)Where stories live. Discover now