Chapter 9

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"Oh god Tony...why did you have to go back home." I sigh, whipping off the blood trickling down his face in Bucky's truck. "We haven't been home in weeks."

"I'm sorry Raven, I had to grab something." Tony mumbles and looks down ashamed.

"What was so important that you got a beating from dad?" I ask. Tony pulls out a small picture. I immediately knew what it was and get why Tony got it. "Oh. I'm sorry."

Bucky stays silent the whole time, sitting in the drivers seat as Tony and I are in the back. We were parked in an alley way, and it was snowing pretty hard.

"I had to grab it. I didn't have a choice." Tony says, and flinches and I touch his cheek. "That hurts."

"Shit. I think it's broken." I say and put the cloth down. "That's not good. It means we may have to go to the hospital for an x-ray."

"Not necessarily." Bucky turns around from the front seat. "Isn't Bruce and Thor like, super smart. We can just go to their place."

I look at Tony and he nods slightly. "Okay. I'll call Thor." I say and pull out my phone.

A few rings in he answers with his same jolly voice. "Hey Raven, what's going on?" He asks will excitement.

"Nothing much. Are you free right now cause there's been an accident and Tony needs some help." I say and bite my lip.

I could practically hear Thor frown from the other line. "Yeah, I'm free. What happened? Is everything okay?" He asks, concerned now.

"I'll explain when we get there. But we need Bruce there too. Is that okay?" I ask.

"Of course. My brother is here right now though. So if you don't want people involved I would say be quick." Thor says and I scrunch up my face.

"Okay. Bucky's driving and we will be there soon. Thanks Thor." I sigh and hang up. "He said to be quick cause his brothers home."

Bucky nods from the front seat and we go driving about ten minutes to Thors place. When we pull up, I could see Thor sitting on the porch steps with Bruce. He looks up and hands when he sees me get out of the truck.

"My god, is everything okay?" Thor asks the second he sees Tony all beat up.

"I think he has a broken cheek." I sigh and pull the cloth away, to show the swollen left cheek Tony has.

Thor shakes his head and Bruce looks at him. "I guess we could fix it. But I strongly recommend going to a doctor." Bruce says.

"That's why we came here first. Can you just, try?" I ask and look at Thor, who I can tell is thinking.

"Yeah I'll see what we can do. But Raven, can you run to the store a block down and get some stuff for me then?" Thor says and pulls out a piece of paper. "Everything should be here."

"Okay." I say and walk away and Tony and Bucky walk into Thor's house with Bruce.

I walk down the street at a faster pace, hoping to get there sooner so I could get back as quick as I can. I walk into the store and read the list.

"Okay, band aids, tape, medical clothes, and bandages." I say to myself and go to the medical isle.

When I walk in I stop to see Peter looking at some of the medications they have here. I debate to turn around but I know I can't, because I need this stuff for Tony.

Peter glances over his shoulder and once he sees me he smiles. "Raven, fancy meeting you here." He grins in an evil way.

"Yeah, what a coincidence." I say slowly and walk to the shelf with the bandages.

"Getting stuff for your brother I guess. He really did take a beating. Poor guy." Peter shakes his head but I whip mine over to him.

"How the hell do you know what happened?" I ask, pretty loud and concerned.

"Well, the same way I found out about your little beating as well. You gotta be carful with parents like that." Peter raises an eyebrow and smirks.

"Look Peter, I've done nothing to you. So why the hell are you bothering me?" I ask really stern.

Peter walks up to me so close that our faces are practically touching. "Look Raven, is you knew what I knew, you'd be doing the same thing." He whispers.

Only then did I notice his eyes were brown with a hint of blue.

"And tell Steve, is he still wants a good reputation then he better stop falling for your brother."

This starts to anger me and when Peter backs up, I look him dead in the eye. "There is nothing wrong with what Steve and Tony may have. It's love. Haven't you ever felt love?"

And for the first time ever, I saw Peter look sad. He glanced away and gulped a bit. And his eyes looked....hurt. But like it didn't happen, he looked at me with his cold eyes.

"Just pass the message along Raven, and stop messing with my friends." Peter grumbles, stuffing his hands in his pocket and storming away.

I quickly grab everything Thor needs, plus a few extra stuff and dash right back to Thors place. I walk inside and upstairs to his room. When I walk in, Bucky was standing by the door and Bruce and Thor were sitting in the bed with Tony.

"Thanks Raven. I'll pay you back later." Thor smiles and takes the stuff when I hand it to him.

"No no it's no big deal. You don't have to." I say and stand back with Bucky.

I watch and Bruce and Thor try their best on cleaning out the cuts but Tony flinches every time. I know he's in a great amount of pain. I've been in his situation before. I glance over at Bucky and he just keeps looking right ahead at Thor and Bruce.

After a few minutes, Thor and Bruce look at each other and frown, shaking their heads. "I'm sorry Raven, but you have to take him to the hospital. This won't heal right and it could effect a lot of things." Thor says.

I gulp, then sigh, scared on what to do. If we take him to the hospital then the truth gets out.

"Okay. Thanks for your help guys. I'll see you in school tomorrow." I smile, and lead Tony and Bucky out of the house.

We all get into Bucky's truck and he looks over at us from the drivers seat. "So, are we going to the hospital or what?" He asks.

I look over at Tony who gives the approving nod. "Yeah, lets go." I breathe.

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