9. Peeves and Filch

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  I completed the design I was working on. Massaging my aching nape, I closed my eyes for the relaxation. There were so many thoughts going on in my mind. First, I was worried about mom. My cousin Natasha told me yesterday that she was having fever. Second, the designs I need to design. Third, the thing that I've told Will about. I still don't know what I have told him. And last but definitely not the least, preparations for Will's birthday.

  Yes, this weekend I was going to surprise him with something special. I knew that he didn't want any birthday party, even if it will be small. He didn't tell any reason for that. I didn't press the issue further. I didn't want him to be upset. So, moral of the story, only two people were gonna be there on his birthday. The birthday boy and the event planner, that is, Will and I. 

  I was planning something simple but memorable. So, I brainstormed like hell and came up with a wonderful idea. I decided on a DIY present. I started to prepare for it. It was Saturday and tomorrow was the day of the birthday boy.

  I opened the door and entered in the apartment. The lights were switched off meaning that Will was still not home yet. I got freshen up, changed into a pair of conformable clothes and tying my hair in a messy bun, I walked in my closet. I had put all the stuff for tomorrow in there. I rechecked it again for making sure everything was there and went directly in the kitchen. Almost every ingredient was there except some ingredients which were needed to be fresh. I looked at the time. I still have got two more hours. I started to prepare for Skillet Mushroom and Spinach Lasagna. After an hour, I was almost ready. I put the skillet in the oven to bake until golden brown, 30 minutes and went in my room, locked the door and started preparing for his birthday gift.

  I heard him opening the door and calling my name. I climbed down the bed and opening my room's door, walked in the living room.

  "Hi! You're early! What, did you succeed in escaping?" I greeted him with a chuckle. "I wish! I didn't caught in the traffic, though." He sat on the sofa, stretching his legs. "How's your day?" I greeted him while going in the kitchen. He followed and sat on one of the stools. I handed him a glass of water and walking around, sat beside him, facing. He was definitely looking tired. Taking some sips, he put the glass back on the counter top.

  "A long and tiring day. How was yours? So busy with work that you locked yourself in your bedroom working?" He smirked in amusement, arching his eyebrow.

  I cleared my throat and decided to go with his theory. "Yeah, loads of work, deadlines and all." I tried to change the subject. I didn't wanted him to get suspicious about tomorrow. "Why don't you go and freshen up. I'll make something to eat." Exactly at that time, the oven beeped.

  "Yeah, I need a shower, anyways." He got up and walked towards his room. I went to take the skillet out of the oven. Perfect! I mentally patted myself on the back, looking at the perfect colour and the tempting aroma of the lasagna. I put the two plates, glasses and the lasagna on the counter top, then taking a water bottle from the fridge, filled the jar of water, putting it also on the countertop. I sat on a bar stool and waited for him to come. He came after five minutes, freshly showered and a grin plastered on his face.

  "Lasagna!" He took a deep breath, taking the aroma. "Perfect for a winter night." He said, sitting down on the stool. We helped ourselves and started eating.

  "So.." I gulped some water before continuing. "What did I told you on that day.. while I was drunk..?" I looked at him hopefully.

  A small hint of seriousness, hesitation and concern filled on his face but the next moment, he composed himself with a smirk.

  "Shan't say nothing if you don't say please," He actually quoted Harry Potter!

  "Oh shut up Peeves. I'm not Filch!" I said in exasperated annoyance.

  "But it is one of my favourite! I love Peeves." He gave me a fake pout with puppy eyes. He was trying to change the subject. I rolled my eyes on his hopeless attempt.

  "Please tell me what did I say." I tried my best to look at him with puppy eyes. And it worked.

  He hesitated a bit but eventually gave up. "About your father's death." He looked into my eyes, saying with a blank face.

  I was not expecting that. I didn't know what to say, how to respond, so I stayed quiet looking at him. He continued. "About the accident.. about how much you miss him but has to be strong for Kiara." He put his hand on mine and squeezed it. I didn't know when I started to shake. I gulped, controlling myself from crying. "You poured out all your emotions, finally letting the grief go." He said softly. A tear trickled down on my face. He quickly got up and came up to my side, hugging me, comforting and saying soothing words until I stopped crying.

  Will was the first person, in front of whom, I cried, letting the emotions go. He was the first person, who didn't let me go to focus on his own griefs. He was the first person, who stayed by my side the whole time.

  We finished our dinner in silence. No words were needed. It was a comfortable silence. We both needed it. It helped me clear my mind. I took a deep breath and tried to shift my thoughts at his birthday. I wanted to make his birthday special. I knew for some reasons that it was not. I wanted him to make new fresh, happy memories of his birthday. And I knew how to do that.


   Hey guys, I know I took a very very very long time to update. But I am busy in my college final exam and there was a block in my thoughts, so I couldn't write anything. But I was able to complete the chapter today, even if I have to study for tomorrow's paper but anyways. Wish me luck!

  Enjoy the chapter! Vote, comment and share if you like it. Love you all ;-) iamtanu


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