10. Because

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  I got up a bit early today. Getting out of the bed, I moved the curtains apart and opened the window. Cool breeze came inside, blowing my hair. The sun was just rising. I got freshen up and went outside. The door of Will's bedroom was still closed. I cleaned  every corner of the apartment. Changing into yoga pants and a T back, I went out for a run. The atmosphere was so beautiful, a little sunshine with different colours, cool breeze and comfortable silence.

  Coming from the run, I saw that Will had gone for the run, too. Perfect. I thought. I went in the bedroom, showered and got ready for the work. I brewed some coffee for myself and him. Quickly getting the stuff, I went towards the door and wrote a small note for him.

  Hi! Leaving early today. Have some important stuff before going to the work. Coffee is in the brewing machine. See you later. Bye!

  I knew when he'll get back, he will see if there is any note sticking, first. So, I left.

  When I came back, I opened the door. I could hear angry yells of Will. I went further inside to see what was going on. But just then he emerged from the passage, holding his phone, listening someone talking. He was still in the formal clothes. He was really angry, his eyes were cold like ice. His voice also resembled his eyes when he spoke.

  "I don't f***ing need your charity, Mr. Jones. Keep your money with you. And don't you dare calling yourself my father, you've lost that relation long back."

  He became silent again as he listened to what his father was saying. He was clutching his phone so hard, I worried he will throw his phone any time.

  "Calling to wish me only on my birthday, transferring some amount in my account as my birthday present, doesn't count as caring, Mr. Jones. It doesn't make you my father. You were cheating on mom when she was going through cancer. It was my birthday. Do you understand what I was going through at that time? How can you be so heartless! You know what, I don't give a damn! Go to hell!" His was yelling at the time when he cut the call.

  He closed his eyes, trying to breath at normal speed. I crossed the distance and put my hand on his shoulder. He jerked at the contact, opening the eyes, finally taking my presence. There were tears held on the edge of his eyes, trying not to fall. I hugged him tightly. He responded quickly, wrapping his arms around me, his face hidden in the crook of my neck.

  After a while, we separated. I knew he was really in bad mood because of his father. He had only bad memories to remember about his birthday, which were dominating the happy ones. I wanted him to have good, happy memories of his birthday. I wanted him to celebrate his birthday with a happiness.

  "Will you listen to me if I asked you for something?" I asked in a gentle voice. He gave a questioning look but nodded.

  "Go and shower. You will feel better. Try to clear your mind, okay? And come here after 20 minutes." I said.

  He agreed with a confused look and went. I went in my room, quickly changed into a good pair of shorts and crop top, took the necessary things and started working.

  Will's POV

  I started to calm down as warm water touched my scalps. I tried to remove each and every thought from my brain. I wanted to be happy, cheerful for my birthday but I couldn't. I tried to think of something happy, but failed. I tried again harder. I thought of Char. Her cheerful smile, her twinkling eyes, her laugh. I smiled at the thought. After a while, I came out, ready and changed. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, heaved a sigh, closed my eyes for a moment and opened them to look at my reflection who was smiling genuinely.

  I went outside in the living room and stopped suddenly as I saw a beautiful lighting on the wall, brightening the room in the dim light. An artistically written Happy Birthday on a simple decorated board. A mouthwatering chocolate birthday cake on the coffee table with some scented candles on it, which currently Char was lighting.

  I walked towards it. She looked up as I came near the coffee table and smiled brightly.

  "Wow! It's beautiful!" I looked around again with a smile and then looked at her. Her smile grew more as I gave her complement.

  "I just want to help you make new, fresh happy memories. That's all." She shrugged, still smiling.

  "Thank you." And I meant it. It really meant it to me, her efforts, her understanding. The whole thing was not much, just simple as I would have preferred. She knew I wouldn't have liked a lot of people today for the celebration party. It was simple yet elegant and sweet.

  "No sorry, no thank you in the friendship, remember?" She pointed out. I chuckled and agreed.

  "Come, cut the cake." I went around the table and stood in front of the cake. I bent a little down and blew the candles while making a wish. I wish for Char to be with me in my ups and downs and on my each birthday.

  I took the knife and started cutting the cake as Char sang the birthday song. Clearly she was more excited for my birthday than myself. I took a piece of cake, going towards her and held it in front of her mouth. She took a bite and fed me the rest of the cake piece, smearing the cream which was on her fingers on my face.

  "Hey," I tried to avoid it playfully. No one has done such type of things with love and care for me, except mom. She laughed, a peaceful smile spreading on my face too. Going in the kitchen and coming with some tissues, she handed them to me.

  "Hold on," Just as I was about to clean my face, she stopped me while taking out her mobile phone. "Let's take some pictures, first. After all, I have taken so much efforts for your birthday." She playfully said. We took pictures of mine, us, the decorations, cake. After that, I cleaned my face.

  "I'll just be back, okay? Stay here." She said in a hurry and left in her room. When she came back, she's holding something behind her, a beautiful smile on her face. "Close your eyes."

  I tried to protest but she silenced me with a please so I closed my eyes. I felt her taking both of my hands and placing something in my hands. I opened my eyes, a small but genuinely happy smile found its way out on my face. There in my hands were a medium size jar filled with full of different coloured chits. A yellow ribbon was tied around the top of the jar with a card attached to it which read    The Big Jar Of Smiles
                                        -By Char
               everyday quotes
    inspiration, love and laughter
                  (Take one daily)
  "Do you like it?" She looked at me expectedly. She was looking so cute, like a little girl. I chuckled. "Of course, why wouldn't I?" I looked at the gift again, looking back at her, I continued, "It's a very thoughtful present. No one has ever gave me such a heart touching gift. Thank you. It really means a lot. Not only this present but also everything. Your thoughts, your efforts count. You're my best friend." I hugged her, expressing every word I said through actions.

  "Wow! So many compliments!" She laughed and hugged me back.

  This was the best birthday ever. I finally had the one who actually care for me, someone close to me. I finally had a beautiful memory of my birthday which I can cherish in the future.


  Hey guys, I know I took a long time to update but I was going through the writer's block. But I will do my best to update the next chapter as soon as possible. Till then, I hope you liked this one. Enjoy. And press the star to vote if you liked the chapter. Also share, write your thoughts and follow me to not miss another update. Love you all ;-) iamtanu



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