Chapter 1

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Alexander Hamilton had a mainly uneventful summer. Most of his summers went along like this:

Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work,
Go to a Funeral, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work, realize it's not summer anymore, Eat, Sleep, Work, go to college.


I had been living in the Caribbean for the longest time, unable to escape, about until the age of around 16. Then I finally had enough support and funding to go to New York. My summer before college was pretty boring. But I won't tell you what I did, because you just read that part of the chapter.

And by the age of 18, I had finally made it to college. I walked up those fist cement steps and felt pride that I was going to Kings College. A life long dream! I made it! I went to the front office to get my information. The secretary looked up and saw me.

"Your Name?"

"Alexander Hamilton"

"Okay, let's see, Alexandra Hamilton?"

"Alex, actually."

"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! I had no idea. My apologies."

"It's fine" I say, but its not fine. I know she didn't mean to, but it still drives me crazy every time somebody makes the mistake.

"Ah, yes. You are room 1804, 4th floor, on the right. Have a nice day!"

"Thank you!" Inside I was actually panicking that I would get mistaken for a girl again, or that I would share a room with another girl. Oh please no.

Up 8 flights of stairs, I made it to the 4th floor. It was...interesting. I'll have to get used to the 'College Life'.
I made it to room 1804 but it seemed like a shitty dorm, I mean, even the lock seemed jammed. I tried opening it again, and it didn't work.

"Fuck now I gotta go all the way down 4 floors and back up again? Why the Fuck don't they have an elevator in this building?"

"Ils font réellement. ce sont ces grandes portes métalliques au bout du couloir?"
["They do actually. It's those big metal doors on the end of the hallway?"]
"Oh, uh" I face palm myself. "Well I feel stupid"

"Don't! Uh, can I start over?" He Laughs. "Hi, my name is Lafayette, but you can just call me Laf. DO NOT CALL ME LAFFY-TAFFY. EVER."
"Aw I just wanted to though.."
"Don't. And your name?"


"Well I feel stupid"
Shoot, He probably doesn't know french. Just, stop.
"Don't! Uh, can I start over?"
I have more of a conversation with him, but again, you've already read that, and I'm sure the author doesn't want you to get bored.
He ended up saying his name was Alex. He seemed nervous, like there was something bugging him. But, idk. I just met the guy.
"Well, what dorm room do you have? Maybe it's by mine?" I ask.
"Uh, 1804."
I think who else is in that room. I remember almost instantly.
"Shit, I'll pray for you. I know where it it though, mines 1805."
He gives me a worried look, but followes.


So hehe, Laf figured out why I couldn't get in the dorm. That wasn't my dorm. That was 1704. I am dumb, I know.
I am a little nervous to find out who is my roommate though, Laf said he would pray for me, so that doesn't sound good. Finally after a couple more minutes, we found my dorm, and I put in my key. I took a deep breath, and opened the door.
Instantly a guy ran into me and tackled me.
"Welcome Alex. This? This is John. Yeah, a little, well, you'll see." He winks at me, and then grabs the other guy, John? And talks to him. On the bright side of this situation, he's a boy. So that's nice.


      Dang he was cute. Shit. He looks like he likes girls. Idk. Wait, I'm living with him? I won't be able to last a full year looking at something, that, amazing.
      But he was at my door, so I felt like tackling him. Laf pulled me away, and whispered to me.
"Mon ami this is Alexander. He is your roommate, so try not to kill him."
"Ugh fine."
"He is cute though. No homo tho towards him. I got another man in mind."
"Stop talking Laf. He's mine and you know it."
He winked and finger gunned me, and walked next door to his dorm.

All I know is if he's straight:

This year is gonna be hell.

Heya folks. So I know this chapter was short. I'll make them longer. Just my first chapter I don't only want people to read a description and introduction, and have to wait for the actual book. I hope you like it! -Ani

Word count: 882

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