Chapter 2

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The day was going by so slowly. I've started to regret agreeing to be the step-in sectartary while the dean finds another. Then this handsome dude, who can't be more nervous (I took psych classes last year and learned how to read emotions based on body language) walks in.

"Your Name?"

"Alexander Hamilton"

I look it up in the system and was a little confused, but went with it.

"Okay, let's see, Alexandra Hamilton?"

"Alex, actually."

I connect the dots and feel a big rush of embarrassment flow through my body. I can't believe I just did that.

"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! I had no idea. My apologies."

"It's fine" He says and I smile.
"Ah, yes. You are room 1804, 4th floor, on the right. Have a nice day!"

"Thank you!" He says and heads off. I can't wait to tell Angie about him.


I was just in bed taking a nap when Liza storms in and pulls me out of bed. That can only mean one of two things:

1. She had an awful day and she's coming to tell me about it, mainly venting about everything.

"Angie I just met a really cute guy!!"

I roll my eyes, and get out of bed and sigh. "Or Number 2." I mumble to myself.

2. Eliza has a crush. Ugh

I fight the urge to ignore it and go back to bed, and I force myself to get up, and smile with fake enthusiasm.


"Yes! His name is Alex. He is really cute, and, and, aaaannd..." (She looked mesmerised just day dreaming about him)

"And when did you first meet him?" I ask, clearly annoyed.

"Eh, 20 minutes ago. But I can tell, he's the one."

"Liza so let me get this straight. You have a major crush on a man that you met 20 minutes ago. And all you know is his name, and what he looks like? Doesn't that make perfect sense."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. Ugh teenage girls. "I'm going to go to his dorm and knock on the door, check up on him. I remember the number perfectly. 1805." She smiles and head off.


I headed off to dorm 1805. It was pretty close, my sister's and I's dorm was 1789. Eh, upstairs. I was still thinking of him, in the back of my mind.

He was so hot. I bet he's really smart or something. Yeah, he looked like the smart type. I loved his beard and his hair. Oh, wow. Now that I think about it, I really want to go out with him. Oh god.
I start to run to the stairs because I need to see him.
I find the dorm. 1805. Yep.
I knock on the door, wait a little bit, and find a not-alex looking person. He was really big and muscular. I stopped in my tracks and took a big gulp.

"Who the hell are you, and what do you want."

"Uh, I'm looking for an Alex Hamilton?" I literally started shaking.

"What? I think I know somebody who knows him. Be right back."


Me and my new roommate were already together, and classes don't start for another 4 days. His name was Laf, and boy, was he hot. We were interrupted from a make-out session by a knock on the door.

Who I'm Gay For ⚠️DISCONTNUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now