Chapter 5

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"Okay! I have it!" Ink handed Error a small piece of paper.

"...wHaT thE fUck is tHaT sUppOseD tO Be?" Error asked, just staring at the paper.

"It's the list of pros and cons!" Ink sighed. "Ya know what? I'll just read it to you."

Ink started with the pros. "No more annoying Error....or Ink.." Since that was the only thing on the pros, he moved to the cons.

"It will shift the balance and cause unknown but undesired effects." Ink said, ending his list there.

Error paused. "...YoU liTerAllY oNly wRoTe tWo thIngS- OnE fOr eAch cAtegOry???" Error facepalmed.


Eventually, the two came upon an agreement.

Whoever gets eaten up by the deletion first has to give up and let themselves die.

There was a 50/50 chance of either dying, but they've been stuck here for longer than they've wanted so they just want to get out.

Of course, they could still avoid the deletion, and since it was still far away, they decided to stay in the Undyne's house for a week then move onto the next location.

The two could summon things now. They can summon anything except portals and other people.

Ink had a bunch of art materials pop up, quickly pulling all of it into a hug. "I-I missed you all soo much!" Ink exclaimed, wiping away an invisible tear before starting to draw.

Error sighed at Ink before summoning a tower of books, taking the one from the top. He took out his glasses and put them on before he started to read.
Ink was a bit caught up in his drawing to notice Error staring at him, his face dusted with a light blush.

'HEh.. hE lOoKS cUte..' Error thought to himself, watching Ink get cosumed in drawing.

Error let the same type of thoughts run around his head before he quickly cut himself off, questioning what he just thought of.

'...oKAy, mAyBe I'Ve jUst bEeN hErE fOr toO lOng.. YeAh, ThaT mUst bE It..' Error thought to himself, slowly looking over to Ink.

Ink was just there, drawing. Error couldn't see what Ink was drawing, but that's not what he wanted to focus on.

Error let his thoughts run freely again before he quickly turned his attention back to his book. Since when was Ink so cute?!

Before Error could sort out his thoughts, he ended up glitching up. His eyes turned red with 'error' popping up all over his eyes (or eye sockets????).

Ink quickly looked over to Error, an idea popping into his head. "Oh God, Error- What on earth are you reading and why are you glitching up?" Ink joked, laughing. "Oh no, you aren't reading something dirty, riiight~?" Ink teased Error before bursting into laughter.

Error eventually went back to normal, greeted by the sight of Ink dying in laughter. "WhAt tHe hElL aRE yOu lAUgHinG aT?!" Error suddenly yelled.

Ink took a while to calm down. "A-Ahaha! What are you reading, hm?" Ink said, wiggling his non-existent eyebrows.

Error took a while to process what Ink meant, and when he understood, he quickly panicked. "w-WaIt- I sWeAr iT'S noT thAt!" Error said, waving his hands around.

Error was a panicking mess while Ink was on tbe ground, dying of laughter.


Ink was outside of Undyne's house while Error was inside, reading his book. They managed to clear things out- But Error didn't tell why glitched up, sadly.

Ink was counting how many vials he had left because he, for some reason, couldn't summom anything from his void. He assumed that the art materials he got came from somewhere else.

Ink sighed, arranging which vials from least to most valuable. After he finished, he went back inside to prepare to go to sleep.

Ink and Error agreed to split the bed since they were tired of sleeping on the table. They built up a pillow wall, turned off the lights, lied down on their sides and did their own things.

They both got themselves a lamp so they could do their stuff.

Error was reading his book. Not the same one- He finished two others so this was his third one.

Ink was playing around with his paint. Poking it, mixing it, spreading it. He then realized that he doesn't actually know what some paints taste like.

Ink got some of his acrylic paints and made tried drinking it, and.. uh, it didn't go well.

When Ink got it in his tounge, he accidentally inhaled it and ended up chocking on it. He couldn't stop coughing. Error immediately rushed to his side with a glass of water.

Ink immediately gulped down the glass while Error facepalmed. "YoU wErE sUpPosEd tO gArGle tHe wAter.." Error said as he watched Ink cough more.

Ink felt a bit sick and ended up vomiting green ink before he wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

Most of the ink got on Error. Error took a deep breath in and let out one word. "wHy.."


Ink helped Error clean up- mostly by throwing away Error's clothes while Error changed into new ones.

When Ink went back into the room, Error was already changed into some new clothes, his new clothes looking the same as his previous ones.

Ink felt a bit bad for doing that, so he obviously apologized. "I'm sorry, Error. I shouldn't have tried to drink or eat my acrylic paint..." Ink apologized, looking down.

"...iT's FiNe.. jUsT dOn'T dO tHAt aGain.. yOu wOrrIed mE.." Error replied, mumbling the last part. "noW gO to SleEp! iT's lAte!" Error said before he quickly buried his face under his pillow, trying to process what he just said.

Ink shrugged off Error's unusual behaviour and went to his side of the bed, plopping himself down. He turned off his lamp and hid under the covers, falling asleep.

Error, on the other hand, stayed up for a couple more minutes. He was tried to organize his thoughts but gave up and went to sleep.

Sorry for not updating ;-; as sorry, have long chapter-))

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