Chapter 2

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April's POV

It's my 18 birthday and I'm sitting in my room, grounded. I was going to have a really big party but my mom just had to get in the way. Since you have no idea what happened, ill give you a recap.

Right when I got in the house, I went directly to the kitchen to get a snack. Then I started to make phones calls to see who was coming to my party. I was so glad that my birthday was on a Friday!

My friends Emily, Kathryn, Gloria, Andres, and Stacia were coming. A whole bunch of other people were coming too. Then my mom came home. I gave her a big hug and smiled.

"I called everybody and they are all arriving in 4 hours!" She looked at me and sighed. "April, you're not having a party." I looked at her. "Yes I am."
"April, Im sorry, there will be no party."

I was getting frustrated now. "Mom you need to realize that Im not a little girl anymore and that I can make my own decisions. Im 18 now. So yes I am having a party." She glared at me. Yes, she glared. "Now listen here young lady, as long as you are living under my roof-"

"You'll follow my rules, ya hear, yeah mom I know. But I'm still having my party." With that I turned on my heel and walked out the door. I started up my car and drive to the store. That woman. She had the nerve to tell me that I couldn't have my party.Wasn't I paying for it?

When I got to the store, I got everything I needed. I went up to the register and he rung everything up. "The price is $136.79" I swear my eyes literally popped out of my head. $136 for snacks! I hesitantly paid and grabbed my cart and walked out the store.

When I got home, my mother was no where to be seen. At least I didn't have to worry about her yelling at me again. After everything was set up I went to my room to change. I put on some high-waisted shorts, a cute crop-top that said 'swagger' and my J's.

I curled my hair, put on some cute earrings, my big snowflake ring and a necklace and went downstairs. When i heard the doorbell ring, I raced over to the door. "Hey hey hey, come in!" As more and more people started showing up, I got more and more excited.

The snacks were almost gone and the music was being drowned out but it was still fun. After about 2 hours of partying my mother came downstairs. She looked at everyone and I guess this kindve struck a nerve somewhere and she started screaming at everyone.

"Get out of my house!, Get out of my house,get out of my house!!!!" She got really loud. It was so freaky, everybody started running out of the house. Heck, I would've ran too, if it wasn't for the fact that I live here.

"What the heck mom!"
"Go to your room, you're grounded for a month"
"For what?!" I yell "My birthday party!"
"Yes after I specifically told you not to."
"This isn't fair at all, It's my birthday and I can do whatever the heck I want to!"
"That's it hand over your phone now!" "Gladly." I pull out my phone and guess what I do. I throw it at her. And it hits her right in the stomach.

I double over in laughter. "Stay in your room until morning.!" I hear her say. I'm fine with being grounded. I hope my mom leaves me up here forever. At least I won't have to here her screaming.

So now I'm still sitting on my floor. Im about to fall to sleep when I hear something. I look out the window and see a person. I quickly shut the window. I hear another thud against the window.

I open it cautiously. "What?".
"You need to come with me." he says
"I don't even know you."
"You don't need to."
"What do you mean I don't need to"
"Come on just pack your bag."
"For how long" I say
"Pack everything, you won't be coming back."

Sorry for such a long chapter you guys. Im trying to update regularly so just bear with me please. Love you all! thanks for reading, comment and vote please.

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