Chapter 13

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Chris POV

I told April about the idea for moving. She was worried at first but soon grew thrilled about the idea.
"Will there be even more excitement?" she asked.

"Heck yeah."
She smiled. "Im going up to pack!" she yelled. I was already finished packing. Se came downstairs about five minutes later.

"Can you help me pack?"
"Sure" We both raced up the stairs and into her room. She started with all of her clothes in her closet. I started with her drawers.

"Look what I found!" I said excitedly. I had found her Victoria secret collection. I guess you could say I was excited.

April POV

"Look what I found!" Chris said. I looked and found him holding my bra and panties. Um, can you say disgusting. I don't know where his hands have been.

I don't want his dirty hands on my stuff. He was still playing with my stuff. He had my bra and was trying to put it on.

"Chris! Take my bra off."
"Why" he said pouting.
"Because they're supposed to be a secret."I said.
"It's Victoria's Secret not April's Secret."

I couldn't hold back a laugh. I pounced on him and tried to take it off of him.
"Chris." I said whining. "I'm supposed to be packing."

He had pinned me down. "Ill give it back if you can catch me.' he said. I started chasing him all around the house. He was so fast.

"Ill give up now." I said.
"Good, now go pack."

Sry for such a short chapter it was just a filler. please comment and vote.

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