Chapter 10

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April's POV

I felt Chris's hands guide me and I pulled the trigger. It got the fish and I instantly felt guilty. I had killed so many animals today. Chris picked up the fish. "Man I am really hungry, wanna go home and cook this stuff. We can come back later."

"Ok" I said
I hobbled the rest of the way because Chris had to hold everything. When we got in I had to pluck the birds and Chris handled the fish.

"Chris." I said
"Can I ask you a question?"
"What's your last name?"
He hesitated. "Brown"

"That's cool"
"Any other questions?" he asked
"What's your background?"
Chris told me a lot, like how his mom left him at age 14 and how he ran away from his dad 2 years later. He found this place when he ran away.

He just stayed. "What about you? What's your background?" he asked.
"Well, my mom and dad are divorced, I have no siblings. I just turned 18. That's pretty much it." I said

"Did you have a boyfriend?" he asked
He looked at me. "I don't believe you." he said
"Why not? Im telling the truth."
"How could someone like you not have a boyfriend?"

"I don't know, I just never had a boyfriend."
He walked over to me. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. Oh my lawd!

Chris POV

I honestly did not believe she didn't have a boyfriend. But after he had said she told the truth I believed her. I went over to kiss her. When she pulled away to breathe I said "Well now you do."

Her eyes widened. She beamed. Well she's happy. I didn't know what to do now. "Chris"
"Since now we are in a relationship, I don't want a single thing to change. Treat me the same and just keep doing what we are doing."

Man I loved this girl. "ok"
"Can we watch a movie again?"
"Or play a game?" I smirked
"What kind of game?"
"Just a game, ok"

She followed me downstairs. I had set up the game Mortal Kombat. One of my favorite video games. Yes my house is in the middle of the forest and yes I had a tv and video game station.

"Best if three rounds, loser has to pluck the last bird. Deal?"
April shook her head. "Deal"
We started playing the game. I immediately started losing.

How was I losing to a girl? She finally beat me. "What the..."
"Oh well, last bird all to you." she smirked
I stood there with my mouth open. "If you don't shut your mouth, a bee is going to fly in there." she said.

She started walking up the stairs. I ran up to her and picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room. I threw her on her bed. "Night April." I said. "Night Chris." I leaned down and pecked her on her forehead.

I went to my room and got a text from my man Nino. 'Ya girls on the news. Better keep her safe and hidden. Ill hit ya up later'

I turned on the news. Sure enough Aprils picture was on the news. Im so glad I had a house in the middle of the woods. No one would look there. But I guess I was going to have to protect her a little more.

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