Chapter 8

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Chris POV

April tries kicking the thing but her foot gets caught in his mouth. I hear a crunch and I realize that April is unconscious. I start beating the crap out of this thing.

After I while the thing whimpers and runs off. I pick April up and carry her the rest of the way. When we get in I rush to the bathroom. I grab some gauze and apply pressure.

"April, please be ok." My house is in the middle of the woods which is inconvenient because we can't get a doctor. Im caught up in my thoughts when I hear her say something.

"April, your here? Please say something." Im begging her and I'm crying. She looks at me and smiles. "Im here. What happened?"
"You got attacked by a beastly thingy.'

"You're ok though. I started beating the thing and he finally backed off."
April smiles. "Thank you." I sniffle. She brings her hand up to face and wipes my tears. "Sorry."

That's embarrassing. "It's ok." I smile. "Can we watch a movie?" she whispers. I nod my head yes. "But you need to elevate your foot, ok?"
"Ok" she smiles.

I turn on the tv and what a coincidence, soul surfer is on. April squeals. "Chris turn the channel, turn the channel!"
"Sorry" I find a movie called Rush Hour.

April snuggles next to me. I was hesitant to hold her close but I held her close. I loved watching her watch the movie. I noticed that whenever a funny part came up she would lightly giggle.

When someone was happy she started smiling. When something sad happened she would start crying. I seriously loved this girl. She was so awesome. She was so strong.

I just wish I could tell her this.

April POV

When the movie was over, Chris was snoring lightly. I chuckled slightly and fell asleep to the sound of Chris's
steady heartbeat.

Sorry for such a short POV

I just wanted April to be there for at least a little bit. Please comment. Thanks for reading!

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