Eyeless Jack X Jeff

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Im not doing a info part since you should already know who both of them are. If not search them up.
Story now

Jeff's POV

Jane was having a party tonight. Great. She'll be drunk and probably be making out with anyone she can get to be drunk with her. Like last time we had a party. Her and Hoodie both got drunk. Hoodie only because Jane put some beer in his cheesecake. And two hours later they were in a room. Now Jane has a kid. Wow. "Jeff help me plan games!" "Why should i?" "You can be head in command of the games." "no." I say trying to frown. But having a permanent smile its hard to frown. "Come on budy. Ill let you play 1 hour in heaven instead of 7 minutes in heaven." "Really!?" "Really!" "no!" "Ill let you take all the teenage girls i get next ten times i get assigned to killing." "Really!?" "Yes!" "Okay!" I love hearing them scream.

(Time Skip! Brought to you by Smexy.)

It was time for the party. There was Black Veil Brides playing. Right now it was Fallen Angels. Soon the music stopped. "OOk eeveryone puttss your attentionsss to Jjeffsss." Everyone looked at me. "Ok were going to play 1 Hour in Heaven!" We all sat down in a circle. I put stuff in a hat. I had put my knife in there for myself. "Ok first up is Sally." Yes sally is old enough for this game. "O-ok." She reaches in and pulls out a game controller. "Ok Ben get your Ass In the closet!" He growled then got to the closet. "Ok. Since we have another closet. And not much time. How about a guy choses next." Everyone points to E.J. "Ok E.j. you chose first." He stuck his hand in the hat. He pulled put my knife. "Thats mine." I say taking it from him and putting it in my hoodie pocket. "Ok Jeff you and E.j. Get in the room." Jane says pushing us to his room. She locks the door from the outside. "You Bitch!" I yell. "Its no work my walls are sound proof." He says.

Then he snakes an arm around my waist and flicks my ear with his tongue. I turn my head and see he has his mask above his mouth. "Are you ready to get nasty?~" I slowly nod my head. "Good." He tackles me to the ground and grabs my hoodie and rips it off as well as my muscle shirt. Then puts one of my nipples in his mouth and the other in his fingers. I moan out his name. "E.J.!" He moves his head down to my pants. Of corse i was already excited. "Tsk. tsk. tsk." He undoes my pants and ripes them off. He starts to lick my boxers. Right above my big boner. Before he could take my boxers off i flipped our poses and took off his shirt and pants. I slipped my hand into his boxers and pumped his shaft. "J-Jeff!" i then slowly took his boxers off and put my mouth over the tip teasing it. "Jeff!" I start to bob my head quickly. Before he could cum into my mouth i stop bobbing my head and take off my boxers. I flip him over and put my tip at his entrance.

I start to ram into him. Starting off slowly but quickening. Soon im going at inhuman speed. I lean over and lick his neck and grab his shaft and pump it. "Jeff!" "I know!" He spills his seover the floor and my hand. I bring my hand up my mouth and suck it all up. "30 Minutes Boys!" I continue to ram into him. I spill my seed inside him. "Jeff." "Yes?" "Ready for round 2?"

"Hellz yeah!"

I hoped you liked it.

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