Chapter Twenty-Two: Ravenhill

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When they reached the edge of the city, Bilbo wished her luck, told her to be careful, and donned his ring. She watched him disappear into thin air, then set off on her planned course, splitting up with him. They were heading towards Ravenhill, an old watchtower where Azog had set up his base.

The watchtower was in ruins, and Orcs stood here and there, prowling around occasionally. Behind the watchtower was a frozen river. Azog had intentionally led Thorin away from the larger battle, hiding the fact that he had another army approaching from the north that would soon come down, surrounding the tower and trapping them. She had to hurry. If they weren't out of there in time...

She shook her head, creeping up behind a bush. She saw Thorin and Dwalin on the lake, a few dozen dead goblins around them. Bilbo suddenly appeared next to them, warning Thorin.

She turned to the watchtower. She couldn't afford to lose any time. From a distance, she saw Fill on the upper level of the tower, searching for Azog. He walked out of sight into a hallway, and Priscilla picked up her feet, moving that way. Kili was bound to be close.

She entered the lower level of the watchtower. Her heart was beating out of her chest, and she almost worried she would be heard from the thumping. Her hands were shaky, and her breathing quickening.

She turned a corner and nearly jumped out of her skin. Kili spun around, hearing her, raising his bow and arrow, ready to fire. Their eyes locked.

"Kili..." She whispered, frantic now.

"What are you doing here?!" He lowered his bow, rushing to her.

"Kili, I'm sorry about earlier. Please forgive me." She started, grabbing one of his hands.

"You should be in Erebor." He said, confused.

"We have to leave. Azog has another army attacking from the north. It's a trap. There will be no way out." She said quickly.

"But we're so close, Priscilla. I can feel it." He said, glancing around.

"No! No. You can live to fight another day. There's no chance if we stay." She said, grabbing his other hand now, her voice turning into a whisper. "Please. I can't lose you. Please."

Kili looked at her for a moment, and she held her breath anxiously. He finally nodded.

"I need to get to Fili and the others." He said.

"Bilbo has warned Thorin and Dwalin." She said, following him back down the corridor to a staircase leading to the upper level. There was a doorway next to the stairs, open to the frozen lake. Kili rushed to the doorway to signal to Thorin, but stopped. Priscilla rushed up behind him.

Thorin's face was white and mixed with emotion. There was an Orc on the level above them, screaming something she couldn't understand. Her heart froze. Fill was up there.

Just as the realization hit her, Thorin yelled out and began furiously making his way up to the tower to Azog.

Fili's lifeless, bloody body dropped to the ground before Kili and Priscilla.

Thorin yelled for Kili, still running up. Kili grabbed his sword, meaning to go up the stairs and confront Azog. Priscilla grabbed his hand, not realizing she had been crying until just now.

"Kili, no. Please. You can't." She pleaded.

He pulled his hand from her grip, wordlessly turning to go up the stairs.

Azog dropped from higher above, meeting Thorin as he clambered up to the ruins. They grappled, arm-blade against mace, slowly making their way back to the frozen over lake.

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