Chapter 2: The First Step

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Walker Elliot awoke to the sound of a girl's high-pitched ranting, looking to the left through his drowsy brown eyes. He saw a guy with long black hair (which was in a ponytail) being woken up by a girl with orange hair in white/pink getup. Though that guy in particular didn't seem particularly bothered, Walker groaned at having to wake up to... this.

"It's morning! It's morning! Itttt's morninnng!!"

Luckily, he wasn't alone in his suffering. Hazel Tikal, still dressed in her blue pajamas, was rubbing her eyes in annoyance, looking at the hyper girl and silent boy as they left the room.

"Why would anybody be excited about this time of day?" Hazel complained. "The morning is evil."

"Preach it..." Walker replied, getting up. "I know we should probably be getting up at this time anyway, but I'd rather wake up on my own terms."

"Praise the gods, amen!" Dante cried out while flailing his arms wildly, just a few yards away from Walker and still splayed out on the floor.

"Look at it this way," Skyler said, helping his friend up, "At least it wasn't how Ruby usually wakes us up."

"Please don't remind me," Dante groaned, now on his feet. "I'm getting war flashbacks thanks to that whistle..."

"I don't even want to know," Hazel flinched at the guess of what they were talking about. "Because that sounds horrible."

"You have no idea..." Skyler grumbled, beginning to walk away. "Come on, Dante, let's get ready for the initiation."
"That's absolutely ridiculous!" Ruby exclaimed, unable to believe what her sister was suggesting. "That's like me telling Skyler that you have a cr-"

Yang's eyes widened as she saw who was entering the locker room, quickly covered her little sister's mouth, and hissed, "Not. One. More. Word. Got it?"

Ruby nodded, a bit confused, but understood once Yang let go and said cheerfully, "Good morning, guys!"

"Just because it's our first morning at Beacon doesn't mean it has to be good," Dante grumbled, opening his locker and taking out his twin axes, which were named Ebony & Ivory accordingly.

"But thank you, you too," Skyler added, opening his own locker and bringing out his gun, named Kasai. "At least we woke up on somewhat of our own terms, Ruby."

"Psh," Ruby scoffed, "I can't even find my whistle right now. I know I packed it..."

"Thank the gods..." Dante muttered.

The conversation was interrupted by a sudden cry and a voice calling out, "I'm sorry!"

They looked to see Jaune pinned against a wall by his hood due to a spear, Weiss walking past him. Suddenly, Glynda's voice came over the loudspeaker.

-Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first-year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately.-

A redhead, who Skyler recognized as Pyrrha Nikos, plucked the spear back, and walked away, saying to Jaune, "It was nice meeting you!"

"Likewise..." he groaned.

"Having some trouble there, lady-killer?" Yang teased as the four walked over to him.

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