Chapter 13: Painting the Town

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So, I must apologize for the late chapter. I have no excuse other than "Life is a bitch" along with "I'm kinda lazy". Not a great combo for a writer. But anyway, I hope you enjoy!
"Tatiana Epona," the guy said, disregarding Auriel in favor of her partner. "I have to say, I didn't expect to see you here."

"W-Well, u-um..." the timid girl replied, more nervous than usual, "I, uh, had t-to for prot-protection... Hello, Nathan..."

"That makes sense, I guess," Nathan Bourbon responded. "I don't think the White Fang are nearly brave enough to attack a Hunter Academy just for the sake of you."

"Uh, does someone want to inform me on what's going on?" Auriel butted in, annoyed at being ignored.

"T-This is Nathan Bourbon," Tatiana introduced. "He's from Mantle... like me. We... We've run into each other occasionally back then..."

"Her family is one of the overseers of the SDC's Dust mines," Nathan continued. "Her parents must of sent her here for protection from the White Fang, since she's so easy of a target without proper training."

"Well, I guess that explains how you have so many reserves of lien," Uriel realized. "If the SDC is your employer, your family must be rolling it it."

"Yeah, why do you think I always mooch off of her for some extra cash?" Auriel explained. "She rarely uses it, so someone has to. Never knew where she got it from though."

"Getting back on track," Nathan said, "I'm surprised they didn't send you to Atlas Academy. Surely that place has better protection than Beacon, especially with... well, him in charge."

"W-Well, while that's true," Tatiana explained. "Mom and Dad didn't think I was c-cut out for it. They h-had to get a personal vow from P-Professor Ozpin to maintain my safety."

The Bourbon heir nodded in understanding, "That's fair enough, I suppose. Though I don't doubt your skill, I don't see someone like Ironwood accepting you due to your... personality."

Tatiana flinched at that, though she did somewhat agree, while Auriel continued to glare at Nathan and asked, "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't get offended, I'm only looking at it objectively. I'm not slighting her as a person, I'm merely saying that a Hunter Academy that behaves more as a military boot camp might not be the right place for her."

Meta nodded to the side, "Like it or not, he has a point."

Auriel pouted and grumbled to herself as she slumped in her chair, Uriel then asking, "And I suppose you are here for the same reason as the foreign teams?"

"Correct," Nathan said. "Though my team is... unofficial, so to speak, we have quite the sponsor. General Ironwood really didn't have a choice but to let us in. More glory for Atlas and all that."

Uriel couldn't help but notice the look in Nathan's eyes when that last part was said. It wasn't exactly anger, but rather something akin to spite. Though that did make a bit of sense. Though only one kingdom existed on paper, Atlas always seemed more like two kingdoms begrudgingly living in the same territory. Atlas' rise left the former kingdom of Mantle in the dust, leaving the nobility there with very little actual power, and that's not even mentioning the lower-class of Mantle.

And if this Nathan person was from Mantle, then the disdain towards Atlas made a bit of sense, even more so since he personally knew Tatiana, a Mantle noble, more than likely making him nobility as well. But before Uriel could ponder further, Nathan spoke up again.

"Well, I believe that's enough for today," the Mantle team leader said. "I look forward to seeing you at the tournament. And if we meet... my team won't be easy on you."

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