Chapter 3: The Emerald Forest

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"The last pair has been formed, sir," Ms. Goodwitch told Professor Ozpin, tapping the screen on her Scroll. "Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. Poor boy... I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos..."

As Ozpin let out a sound of acknowledgement, Glynda changes her screen to show to Pyrrha and Jaune's trek through the woods, "I don't care what his transcripts say. That Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat."

She then switched the scene on her Scroll to the camera watching Dante and Walker, "At least these two seem to be able to get along. Surprising, considering Mr. Elliot's background... And as for Mr. Williams' friend..."

She then switched to Skyler and Hazel, "He seems to have found a decent partner. Though she claims to be a skilled fighter from Mistral, I'm still skeptical, seeing as how she got into this school."

Glynda then deactivated the tablet, turning around and walking away a little, "I guess we'll find out soon enough. At their current pace, they should reach the temple within just a few minutes. Speaking of which, what did you use as relics this year?"

When she was met with more silence, she turned back to the Headmaster, "Professor Ozpin?"

Ozpin didn't answer, watching his Scroll with a contemplating interest as it showed footage of Ruby sitting in the grass and picking stray leaves while her partner, Weiss, paced around, seemingly scolding her. He then switched over to Skyler, focusing in on the young man.

Only then did Ozpin reply, though he seemed to be speaking mostly to himself, "Perhaps we shall soon see what these chess pieces can do..."
As Skyler and Hazel, the two came across a small clearing, where a few trees were bent and broken, the latter looking around before saying, "What the heck happened to this area?"

Hazel then turned to see Skyler crouching down, "Uh, Skyler?"

Skyler picked a small strand of golden hair and paled at the realization of whose hair it was, "Whatever happened here... well, something died."

"Um... okay? Elaborate, please?"

Skyler gently set the hair back on the ground and looked forward to where there was a barely visible, but still noticeable path through the woods and pointed at it, "One of my childhood friends was here earlier, and probably fought with some Grimm. Judging by what I can tell, she took care of them and went that way. While I don't think she has the best sense of direction, I at least trust in her instincts and that she probably has a partner by now. So I say we follow the trail they left."

When he was met with silence, he turned his head around to see his partner with a bewildered look on her face, "What?"

"Nothing," she answered, "Just... didn't expect such an in depth explanation. You're smarter than I gave you credit for."

Skyler smirked, "Well, more like I know just as much about my childhood friends as I know about myself. Call it a sixth sense. Especially with this one. So, let's get moving and hope that she knows what she's doing."

Hazel just grew a blank expression, "Now I'm just oozing with confidence-"

She suddenly flinched and her green eyes flashed blue for a short second before she warned, "Duck."

Skyler looked at her, puzzled, "What?"

She leaped at him, "Get down!!"

The dark-skinned girl managed to grab him by the back of the head and send him to the ground. Just when he was about to ask why she did that, he caught a glimpse of a large, black silhouette flying over them before landing on the ground a few yards away. The two Hunters-in-training managed to swiftly get to their feet and saw exactly what they were up against. And at the sight of it, they both gulped. A Beowolf. And not just any kind of Beowolf, but an Alpha Beowolf.

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