Chapter One

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My eyes reluctantly open when I feel my sisters warm muzzle digging into my back.

"Whaaat" I ask irritably glaring at my sisters large form.

It's your turn for the watch, Elle. Izzy replies softly with our mind link.

I watch her with blurry eyes as she shifts back from her light colored wolf and collapses down on the patch of grass across from me after sluggishly slipping on a loose pair of shorts and a dirty t-shirt.

Her breath deepens and she falls asleep almost instantly.

I gaze around our make shift camp letting my eyes adjust to the dark night as my wolf, Blue begins stirring in the back of my mind slowly waking up. The lazy butt.

There are large trees surrounding our temporary home keeping us well hidden from any prying eyes.

I look straight up and see the moon directly over head which means it was indeed my turn to be the watch.

Grunting I get up stretching my stiff muscles, sleeping on the ground can do that to a person.

But I was use to it by now. It had been three months since we were discovered by the seekers and were forced on the run.

The seekers as we call them are a ruthless group who seek and capture werewolves for money.

What they do with the wolves they capture is beyond our knowledge.

Their people are very skilled trackers. We have had a hard three months of running.

Shaking my self out of my thoughts and I quickly strip off my dirty blue running shorts and black tank as I prepare myself to shift.

I will have to remember to wash these things soon they are really starting to stink. Too bad there aren't any washing machines in the forest. Damn.

Blue, fully alert now and pacing in the back of my head, howls in excitement at the promise of a late night run.

I take I deep breath of the cool night air and shift effortlessly into my huge cream colored wolf.

I shake out my thick fur and set off toward the river that is only a few yards away from our hiding place so I will still be able to keep a eye on Izzy's sleeping form.

My heavy paws sink into the mud as we near the rivers edge. I lean over the clear water and drink my full.

I glance down at my once cream fur and shudder at the brown mess it has become. Our running days don't exactly leave room for a daily cleaning.

I cautiously wade in to the shallow water and let the cool water soak into my thick fur cleaning the dirt and leaves out of my fur.

Sighing in relief I lift my now heavy body out of the cool water and give a good shake before I head back to our camp.

As I sit back down across from my sisters sleeping form and wrap my damp tail across my paws.

I decide to remain in my wolf form for my half of the watch because of my heightened senses and so my fur could have time to fully dry.

It was a pain in my butt having to deal with my unruly long hair when it was dry, I don't even want to know what it would be like to tame it while it was wet.

As I keep my ears pricked for any signs of danger I allow my wolf to take full control over us as I let my mind wonder back to how we ended up on the run.

It had always just been Izzy and I, we had been in the foster program for as long as I can remember.

Anytime we would ask someone about our birth parents they would tell us that it was a closed adoption. Meaning the child couldn't know anything about the parents and vise versa.

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