Chapter Three

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The whimpering continues and I spin around and find Izzy pinned down by a massive brindled wolf.

Blue's pacing stops and she bares her teeth, The Alpha.

Alpha or not he is hurting our sister! I reply as I spring forward to stop the alphas claws from sinking any further into my sisters flesh.

But the breath is knocked out of me as another wolf's body collides with my own.

Elle! Izzy's voice shrieks in my head.

I land on my side and lay there stunned as I try to stop the world from spinning before my eyes.

But before I can recover my breath is again taken away from me as the wolf's body slams on top of mine, pushing my still stinging muzzle into the ground. The wolf then leans down and snarls in my ear.

I can hear my sisters whines over the snarls and I want to get up and run to her but the wolf who is currently on top of me is the dark brown one from earlier so there is no way I can out power his size.

"My alpha wants you to shift." The same girl from last time steps into my field of vision. "It would be for the best, we have shelter for you but first we want answers. Like why your sister reeks of the hunters. If you continue to resist we will have to take more violent actions to get what we want." 

I bristle at the threat and let out a low growl but I am quickly interrupted as my sisters whines turns into a howl of pain.

I see red as I push against my captures body trying to free myself. I am just about to make a little progress but I freeze as a growl sounds through the forest so loud that makes my bones rattle.

Aki! Blue howls, calling for Izzy's wolf. My blood runs cold and the next thing I know my sisters limp human form is tossed in front of my nose.

IZZY! I scream but she doesn't respond.

I stare in shock my whole body frozen in fear as I try to find some sign of life in her thin pale body.

Her chest falls and rises and I shake with relief that quickly turns to anger.

How dare they hurt her we haven't done anything to justify such extreme actions. Blue snarls with just as much anger as I feel running through my body.

I let Blue surge forward to take control and she doesn't hesitate in her actions as she twists around and locks her jaw on the dark wolf's throat cutting off his air supply.

He thrashes and stills, Blue lets go a second after, the priority is not to kill him but to save our injured sister.

Blue moves on to the next wolf who comes barreling in our field of vision, it's one of the smaller wolves and it only takes one swing of our heavy paw to unbalance him.

Blue takes another paw and swings the wolves paws out from under him. He lands with a thud and Blue jumps on top of him pinning him down.

She leans down and let's out a commanding growl, the wolf shudders under our paws and slowly his fur begins to retract.

What the Hell?! I shriek grabbing the control from Blue.

I don't know, I saw the Alpha do it to Aki so I wanted to see if we could do it too. Blue says. But right now isn't the time to be asking that there are others to fight.

The others had backed up glancing at their alpha looking for orders.

The alpha, who had been watching us closely, bares his teeth and lowers his head.

My wolf pushes for control once again and I gladly hand it over.

Blue and the Alpha circle each other fluffing up their coat and barring their teeth. The Alpha's wolf was about a head taller than Blue. But my wolf showed no signs of hesitation.

Blue made the first move and shot to the alphas right. The alpha immediately lunged forward avoiding Blue's bold first attack.

They continued, almost dancing with each other as each wolf take turns lunging forward and the other dancing out of reach. Testing each other's weaknesses and strength.

Finally they stoped, both wolves eyes glowed unnaturally meaning the wolves had full control over each of their bodies.

Then the Alpha lunged forward, Blue lunged as well and they clashed together with a loud thud.

Each wolf fought to get the upper hand on the other.

After a good 5 minutes of this intense grappling Blue began to lose speed.

I don't know how long I can keep this up. I have never had to fight this long. Blue panted to me.

I know just hold on a bit longer. I knew if Blue gave the controls back to me I wouldn't last a second against the alphas wolf who showed no signs of tiring.

Blue bumped up her effort knowing she couldn't hang on to the controls for very much longer.

She managed to lock her jaws around one of the alphas front paws bitting down hard. He howled in pain swinging his paw and throwing us into a nearby tree.

As soon as our body hit the tree Blue fades to the back of my mind. I jumped to the controls trying to get my tired body to get up.

The alpha shook his bloody paw and stalked toward me, I was pleased to see he was limping slightly.

I got up to my paws and lunged forward. He followed my actions and lunged to meet me lowering his head so he could take out my legs.

Seeing this I jumped up at the last second and landed on his back.

I quickly grabbed his scruff and leaned to the right in attempt to knock him off balance.

He took the momentum and rolled over with me still hanging on.

His huge body crashed the air out of my lungs and I let go off his scruff gasping.

He took this opportunity and put a large paw on my chest, effectively pinning me down.

He then leaned down and stuck his muzzle close to my ear. I could feel his hot breath on my cheek and he let out another bone rattling growl.

My whole body shuddered and I could feel my self losing consciousness. I took another gasping breath and pushed up with the last of my strength.

I was able to throw him off of me, only because he was shocked that I could still move much less be able to maintain my wolf form.

I stumbled over to Izzys unconscious body and crouched over her. I would protect my sister with my dying breath.

I let out one final snarl but then felt my world go black.

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