Chapter Two

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My heart hammers in my chest as I look around trying to form a good enough plan to get us out of here.

We need to go Elle. Like now. Izzy urges. Her haunches rising as she paces just bellow me.

I know. I know. I reply hoping off of the rock. Let's go.

We take off into the brush behind us and settle into a fast pace as we try to put as much distance between us and the seekers.

We keep this pace for as long as we can but even werewolf's can't keep such a fast pace for very long.

We slow to a fast jog but keep on moving stopping only once to devour a buck that we quickly killed to bump up our energy.

After traveling the rest of the day with a cycle of sprinting, jogging and eating we are exhausted and ready to find a place to spend the night when are noses are assaulted by a wall of unfamiliar scents.

What is that!  Izzy asks slowing down with her nose high and mouth gaping, showing off her large white teeth.

I slow my own legs and turn around sniffing the air in confusion. I don't know. I reply slowly.

Blue paces in the back of my head throwing her large head up and down in agitation urging us to turn around and find a different direction to go. But we can't do that with out risking another run in with the seekers. It's forward or nowhere, and right now it's nowhere.

It kinda smells like our wolves, doesn't it Elle?  Izzy says narrowing her eyes slightly.

I tilt my head trying to wrap my head around the possibility of there being others like us. I had never thought about it but now that I do it doesn't seem that impossible. I mean there is a whole world out there.

Maybe it is. I allow, my stomach twists in excitement at the possibility of meeting more people like us but I also feel very apprehensive of the whole thing. What if they don't like intruders?

I think we should stay put Iz. I tell her as she starts trotting closer to the increasingly stronger scents. They may not be friendly.

But they are like us! They must be friendly to their own kind! Izzy argues but obediently turns around and sits next to my stiff body and sticks out her pink tongue. It would be a funny sight if it wasn't for my wolf's unease. I wonder how our wolves could have such different reactions, hers seems almost giddy.

I guess we will find out. I reply as the bushes stir in front of us

Five wolves jump out, lips pulled back and growling as their huge chests moved up and down rapidly.

My haunches raise in attempt to look bigger and I bare my teeth. Izzy jumps up next to me looking just as mean, her earlier optimism gone.

Despite her battle ready poster I could hear her heart racing as she steps slightly behind my huge frame.

I eye the five wolfs ready to spring at their first move. God we are so screwed if they attack.

Their sizes vary, all much bigger than normal wolves. But only one, a dark brown wolf, stood taller then us. But because of their numbers I knew we would be in trouble if they decided to cause trouble.

We can take them. Blue insists pushing for control. I can hold my own in a fight without her taking over control but nothing could beat the ferocity of a wild wolf. 

I am about to let her until one of wolves begins to shift, and soon we have a stark naked girl, who doesn't look too much older than us, standing in front of us.

The other wolves eyes remain locked on us and I inwardly shiver at their hostile eyes.

"Why are you trespassing." The girl demands getting straight to the point.

I feel Izzy loosen up slightly beside me and I shake my huge head as I remain in my guarded stance.

There is no way I and shifting and letting all these wolves see my business. Not to mention how vulnerable I would be.

"If you will not shift to answer me we will have no choice but to escort you to our alpha who will force you too himself. " she says taking a threatening step toward us.

I growl not liking to idea of being forced to shift, the last time that happened to one of us it had been done by a metal stick. My heart squeezes when I hear my sister whin softly next to me, probably thinking the same as me.

I know we stand little to no chance against five trained wolves but I am not one to back down. So I remain in my defensive state.

You have to run Izzy. I tell her with out moving an inch. The wolves eye us suspiciously but allow us time to decide.

I'm not leaving you Elle. She argues. But I can feel her trembling legs and I know her best chance is to run back and make a wider run to try and avoid the territory all together.

You have too. I will hold them off while you get a head start and then I will come join you. I give her a big shove and she takes off.

Two of the five wolves spring after her, and I throw my self at them determined to as least slow them down.

I land squarely on the first wolf's shoulders and lock my jaws on his scruff. I then lean back and unbalance him causing him to land on the ground with a huff.

I jump off the fallen wolf and sprint after the other one. I can feel the other wolves following behind but they leave a good amount of space between us.

I wonder why that is but I don't let it slow me down as I pursue the next wolf whose dark body is larger than even my wolf  so pulling on the scruff won't work.

I can see Izzy leap over a patch of bushes and the dark brown wolf is close behind. When the wolf's paws leave the ground I lunge  forward and hook my front claws on one of his hind legs.

The impact made him fall short, landing in the thorn ridden bushes with a loud yelp.
Unfortunately because of my long claws still attached mercilessly in his hind leg I too receive a muzzle full of thorns.

I quickly pull my self out gritting my teeth as I feel my fur being ripped out. Blood stings my eyes and I shake my large head.

The large wolf lets out a angry growl and I look up to find him glaring at me. His muzzle is full of long scratches and he has patches of fur missing all along his body.

I lower myself into a defensive position and let out a snarl.

He surges forward and I jump to the side raking my teeth along his flank, his growl rumbles in his chest and I dance out of his reach as he tries again to get a hit on me.

I hear rustling behind me and a familiar whimper  fills the air turning by blood to ice.

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