Chapter Four

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I open my eyes slowly, taking a deep breath. My whole body feels as though I was put through the ringer.

I hold my hand in front of my eyes opening and closing it. So I guess we are back in our human form. What happened Blue? I ask calling out to my wolf who up to this point has been pacing back and forth at the very edge of my mind.

I don't know. We blacked out. You need to try to get up. We have to get out of this room so we can look for Izzy and Aki. Blue replies pinning her ears back.

I slowly push my tired muscles to support me as I move to get up. I feel shaky but I managed to stay upright.

I take in my surroundings, blinking my blurry eyes.

We are in a small dark room that has a metal door on the opposite wall. The room is so small that shifting into my wolf would be unwise.

Blue's ears perk and she lets out a growl as we hear foot steps approaching.

I move into a fighting stance as the foot steps reach our door. Blue pushes for control but I brush her off. I want to see what we are up against first.

The door creeps open and after a few moments the woman from the clearing walks through, thankfully fully clothed.

"Where's my sister!" I demand as I make a step toward her.

"Safe. And that's all you need to know right now." She says standing her ground. "This could have gone a lot easier had you and your sister just surrendered when I first asked you." Her hands coming to rest on her hips.

"Really? And why should I trust you?" I scoff. Pulling my face into a wolf like sneer that I'm sure looked pretty weird as my current human self.

"You don't have to, but that's all you're getting." She says with a shrug.

My eyes go to the door. We could make a run at the door. There is no way she can stop us. Blue says confident.

I am tempted to try it her idea but before I can the girl holds her hands up in surrender.

"Look you could try escaping right now, and honestly from what I've seen you would probably get pretty far. But you would never be able to escape and get your sister." She says taking a step to the side, leaving the door wide open.

My heart races at the sight of the open door. My wolf pushing me to lung forward and take the sweet freedom.

But I know the girl is right, Blue and I would have little problem running like hell out of here. The only problem is the girl was also right about the fact that if we do run we have no idea where Izzy is.

I huff and hunch my shoulders glaring at the open door.

"Alright now we are talking!" The girl exclaims bringing her hands together with a loud clap. "So first off it's about time I introduce myself." She says stepping toward me. "My name is Angelica Jones. But you can call me AJ." AJ holds out her hand and steps even closer to me.

I hold in a growl at the invasion of my personal space and shove my hand forward into hers. "Elle."

She gives my hand a round of violent shakes and let's go with a big smile.

"So your sisters name is Izzy right? I remember you saying that. And your wolf was the lighter colored one right? She is gorgeous. Does she have a name?" AJ asks at top speed.

I blink at her trying to process this quick change of atmosphere. "Um. Yes. Yes. And Blue is her name."

"Blue? That's a pretty name! But her fur isn't blue so why that name?" AJ asks tilting her head.

I don't respond but instead simply point to my eyes.

"Oh yes that's right your wolf has the most vibrant blue eyes I have ever seen! Okay yeah it fits." She says nodding to herself. "My wolf's name is Lu. No reason behind it."

I think back to when I first saw her before she shifted into a human in the clearing and remember her wolf was a small sand colored wolf. 

"Can I see Izzy now?" I ask my patience running thin no matter how friendly AJ was now being.

"I'm afraid not. But you can come with me to get some dinner." She says spinning on her heels and setting off down the hall.

I hesitate and peek my head out the door. AJ is striding down the hallway that is full of other metal doors. I take off after her, my nose high as I try to pick up Izzy's scent.

"You won't find anything. Izzy isn't in this building." AJ says opening the door that was at the end of the hall.

She holds it open and I step hesitantly through, my wolf on full alert.


I promise to update soon! Till then leave a comment guessing what AJ and Elle are gonna eat!
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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