Week 2, Retell a fairytale

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Excercise chosen Bluebeard

Word count 186

Notes to Tutor this piece was aiming to rewrite the ending of the story in the genre of a news collumn, for this purpose I changed Bluebeard dying to him being arrested


On Thursday the 15th of last month, one hundred and nineteen locals of Moustiers-sainte-Marie stood witness as local Millionaire and serial husband Alistaire 'Bluebeard' Barbe-Bleue was arrested in his mountainside mansion, Bleue has been ruled guilty of the murder of sixteen local women over the past four years, all of whom had become engaged to Bleue shortly before their disappearances.

Earlier today, Fikshous Telegraph was granted an interview with Ms Elizabeth Gipps, the surviving wife and key figure in Bleue's arrest, Gipps tells about the days before she escaped and alerted the authorities to the situation.

"There was a terrible smell coming from the basement, all the time," Gipps tells "and he would become enraged any time I mentioned it, he was so different to when I met him, I often wanted to leave, but he knows where my family lives, I don't want to think what he might have done"

Gipps has been taken into protective custody while local authorities process Bleue's case, he is likely to face life in prison, but the families of his victims are calling for his blood. More to come at eight.

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