Week 6, Mock essay conclusion

4 0 0

Word count 184

Notes to Tutor the aim of this task was to establish a detached voice in the essay, the writer has very few holdings in the topics and is simply relaying the information in clear term to those that might be impacted


Through all the evidence provided throughout the length of the essay, it can be safely assumed that hats will play a critical role in the downfall of reasonable thought in modern society, leading to anarchy and revolution. Despite their inherent practicality and long standing value in the fashion world, the mere structure of hats have proven them problematic. Aside from the simple band pressure causing irritability, the hair loss due to extended periods of time under a hat have shown a direct correlation with a decrease in men's self esteem and increase in the resulting deflective aggression, released through the most readily available forum. There are few things so dangerous to society as a crowd with undirected frustration allowed to speak freely with the protection of a religious forum, those are the people that make others listen, further spreading their frustrations onto others untill inevitable a mob mentality emerges and all that unfounded hatred is spread freely into the rest of the community, each time that these frustrations are allowed to spread, more conflicts emerge, this will inevitably lead to the collapse of everything.

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