Week 7, Weather report genre change

2 0 0

Word count 195

Notes to Tutor the aim of this piece was to emulate the Bronte sister's style, specifically in Wuthering Heights, this was done through the grim personification of the winds, juxtaposed with how little it actually does to impact the surrounding. While great detail is given too personifying the weather, very little is actually told about it so that the reader may impose their own mental image over it.


The winds continued to thunderously against the glass, threatening to shatter it, howling like it wanted to tear trees straight from the ground, but barely stirred the branches, the clouds above billowed darkly, rolling and spilling around thin rays of silver light, a mid winter morning in the midst of spring, the icy air teased at the possibility of snow, it always seemed that way, but here

in this city, it doesn't snow, all it can give the cold ground is a hazy spray of dust and water, through the ghosts of dawn light and chilled mist, the roads and hills can hardly be seen, an ethereal chill wrapping around wanderers and their hounds, but by the time the workers stir, barely an hour on, you'd never know it had been. The mood of the sky is inconstant, fickle as a child yet weary of time, in this city, the weather sways one way and then another, Promising warmth and sun, delivering cold, promising cold and baking us in our coats, promising sun and soaking us through, nothing ever stays as it should, we are at the mercy of the sky in this bitter fantasy.

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