Week 4, Plot Twist

4 0 0

Word count 197

Notes to Tutor the only real issue that was encountered this piece was to use language in a way that wouldn't completely give away the Narrator's identity but also wouldn't make the reveal completely out of left field.


I've been so alone for such a long time, this place is cold, there's nothing to eat and no one to talk to, some days I can't remember my mother's face, I'm losing Hope, if only i could get beyond these walls, they rise up as high as I can see, no matter how far back I tilt my head, it does no good, I'm losing Hope.

This is unfair, simply too cruel, there are people on the far side of this wall, I heard them talking and for a moment I felt that I may be free, but no matter how long or how loud I shouted, until I'd worn myself out, not one person came to my aid, what sort of cruelty is this? I am losing Hope

I give up, I have lost Hope and i will be trapped her for the rest of my life.

I had all but accepted my fate and laid down my head to wait out my days in solitude and then, mercy above, the door opened and Hope stood there, smiling down at me "hey there spot, did you miss me boy?" she smiled and patted my head.

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