week 5, Mock essay Introduction

3 0 0

Word count 208

Notes to Tutor the key Rhetorical aspects used in this introduction are Pathos and Logos, drawing on the reader's exasperation at constant religious conflicts and the familiar discomfort of the items that don't fit, and the simple logic of 'if it doesn't fit you'll be uncomfortable and unhappy', the Ethos would come more into play later in the essay as more facts are laid out and elaborated on.


"Hats will cause the revolution" is not entirely an accurate statement, while these fashionable accessories have existed long enough to see their fair share of conflicts, they will not be the cause of the next one, merely a catalysing factor, on the highest level, hats have strong ties to religion, the number one source of conflict in modern society, every religion has a hat that must be worn, or a hat that only the most important may wear, some even have different levels of hat, the expectation of respect and authority that comes alongside these symbols of status lead to many conflicts within and between religions. Moving beyond Religion and society to the most base of reasons, Hats still have the potential to incite aggression in their wearers. It is a fairly common fact that 80% of women wear the wrong bra size, putting pressure on their ribs and causing breathing problems, it is less well known that many men do the same with their hats, they wear hats with bands that are too tight, putting pressure on their skulls and increasing stress, leading to irritability and aggression, so either on a religious or individual level, hats will inevitably play a role in the end of civilised society.

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