Till the last moment/Jimin

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Suddenly everything was so bright.
The sky was so blue and clear. Not a single cloud.
And that's how you felt too.

You felt care free and excited.
You felt like you could conquer the world. You felt happy.
''I'm here, love. I'm not going anywhere.'' Jimin whispered in your ear.

You could feel his hands holding your waist tightly as he was hugging you from behind.

Life is so beautiful. That's what you were thinking.
You closed your eyes.
You listened the birds chirping, the wind travelling through the trees and his hot breath in your ear.
You could smell the flowers all around you, the freshness of the air but mainly his intoxicating perfume.

''That's how I wanted it, Jimin." You heard yourself say.

"I k- know, I'm so sorry love. I'm sorry." his voice was unstable. He was crying.

You turned around and faced him holding his angel-like face in your hands. He seemed genuinely happy as he was smiling widely, but you were sure you heard him cry.

"What are you sorry for?" you asked confused.
In the blink of the eye something changed. The background wasn't bright anymore; it was dark and the only light came from behind you.
You could clearly see now his bloodshot eyes and the tears staining his cheeks.

"I'm sorry I didn't cherish you like you deserved. I'm sorry I took you for granted. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when you needed me." He said as more tears made their appearance on his face. Still, it looked like it was god sculptured.

"It's okay. I love you." You said truthfully and slightly confused at his choice of words.
Something was going on. You could feel some kind of nagging in the back of your neck which was becoming more and more annoying. Sometimes you'd need to blink a couple of times to clear your vision.
You didn't want to miss a single detail of his face for some reason, even though you had it already memorized from the first time you ever laid eyes on him.

All you could think was that life is beautiful but he is more.

"Please, stay with me." He said with pleading eyes, clear alarm on his face like he sensed the nagging at the back of your neck.

"I'm always with you." You smiled. You didn't want to see worry on his face. You only wanted him to smile.

"I know. And I will always be with you. I love you." He said giving you a wide smile showing his teeth and also how happy he felt at the sight of you smiling.

It was enough. The nagging had become worse: a maddening headache was spreading, your vision was blurry but his smile and his words were enough to relieve you from the pain and the darkness that slowly engulfed you.

That was kinda short🤔.
Bigger chapters coming your way.
I really hope you are okay after this, though. 


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